Veggie Gains. Help!



  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Options (Sorry for the link - not advertising or endorsing anything else on the website but the tables on the website do not copy and paste well AT ALL.) There is a pretty good list of the best veggie proteins and which amino acids each contain.

    [Also I like that no meat athlete rhymes.]
  • carinamaria91
    carinamaria91 Posts: 8 Member
    @RosyTea so helpful thanks! Ive seen tempeh on quite a few recipes but i have yet to fine it in the uk! Having two shakes a day is a good idea whilst i adjust to more calories thanks for the tip. I also know i need to be eating more beans and lentils so ill try that out next week too! @elliej Ill make sure i check that site too thanks alot!
  • DiamondEyezz
    DiamondEyezz Posts: 3 Member
    Be cautious using Tofu and other Soy product as it mimics estrogen in the body and women have enough of it floating around. We don't produce as much testosterone as men so it is easier for them to cut, but us not so much partially because of estrogen.
  • franklech
    franklech Posts: 5 Member
    I'm currently eating 2000 calories per day on a vegan diet and averaging about 86g of protein each day with no protein powder or supplements. My journal is public - you can check it out. I have oatmeal and walnutes for breakfast and a serving of split pea soup at some point every day, then other meals often include beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds and maybe 1 or 2 servings of soy each day.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    Check out this thread (below). It links to a spreadsheet that lists foods that are good protein sources. Near the top are a lot of meat/seafood/animal sources. Keep scrolling down, and you'll find lots of vegetarian/vegan sources. Use those to replace every role in your way of eating where they'll fit (they're mostly diversely nutritious stuff).

    Carbs and Fats are cheap. Here's a Guide to getting your PROTEIN's worth. Fiber also...

    I have no trouble at all hitting 100g as a vegetarian, but I'm not avoiding dairy, so the spreadsheet's gonna help you way more than I can.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Be cautious using Tofu and other Soy product as it mimics estrogen in the body and women have enough of it floating around. We don't produce as much testosterone as men so it is easier for them to cut, but us not so much partially because of estrogen.

    I used to think the same thing, but it isn't true. It's a myth :)
  • RosyTea
    RosyTea Posts: 49 Member
    @carinamaria91 tempeh is also hard to find in Canada but I get it at health food stores, they usually have a good variety!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I would put more effort into getting more protein/fats. Most days, they are fairly low. I believe in your other thread, I posted the link for protein sources.
  • letsgain01
    letsgain01 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey guys, sorry for the late reply i was trying to reply individually but still havent figured out how to? Anyways @rainbowbow I'll call it plant based as to not offend. I am mostly plant based but there are still somethings i have dairy in but to be honest it is mostly sweet stuff! Eg chocolate cake etc when i eat that. Other than that i use alternatives. My calorie goal during my bulk is about 2220 however ive fallen short on this every day. (I have my diary open i think so people should be able to see it) I think ive listened to the you shouldnt eat more than 1500 a day for so long that i cant get into eating 2200 ive not logged a weekend yet though so that might change then ha. I have worked out my macros on various sites taking into consideration working out 5x a week and having an active job too. They all seem to say 40 30 30?

    I'm getting at least 2210 in on average everyday (its easier to look at the week average then a daily basis which is more important in the long-term anyway) so I'm going to let you know what I do. I first got .8g per lb of protein, then .6 for fat, then filled in the rest with carbs and tweaked my macros (opting for raising fat and lowering carbs) to come out to exactly 2210. I ended up with about a 60/25/15 split (carbs/fat/protein). This works for me personally very well. I need more carbs and fat anyway to help with some health issues I have.

    So in conclusion, start with calculating your protein and fat, fill in the rest with carbs, and tweak to your desire. not a vegetarian or vegan but still don't end up eating much meat so let's add each other (:
  • klove808
    klove808 Posts: 346 Member
    Hi carinamaria .... Veggie here too. It took me a couple months to get into the swing of more protein. Ultimately it helps me to plan my proteins and fill in the other stuff around it. Where as say with spaghetti (something I liked to eat) that would be first part of the plan, then the veggies, then perhaps some protein addition. Now I figure what primarily protein and the amount and fill in the other stuff to support the meal - protein then veggies then the bulkier carbs. Just one way of reorganizing the planning of meals and snacks.

    Ultimately I stick with eating higher protein everything and if I have leftover space for the tasty fun stuff then I add what I can in.
  • jayjsee
    jayjsee Posts: 46 Member
    Now I'm just interested cause I get most of my protein from chicken and seafood...