Looking for friends with 50+ to lose



  • emgunsandammo
    emgunsandammo Posts: 1 Member
    hello all, same as above on and off over and over. HELP! LOL
  • Karbum
    Karbum Posts: 124 Member
    Me too!!! Feel free to add me. I have 60 to go!
  • Gottagetthisdone_2017
    I have in total about 80 to lose, did really well a few years ago on here and have been off and on since. I NEED your help! Determined to stay on track this time and get it done! Feel free to add me :)
  • Domomallow
    Domomallow Posts: 87 Member
    I have 110 lbs to lose still. Always looking for good MFP friends if anyone wants to add me. I'm on pretty much every day. Good luck to everyone on their journey to better health!
  • Mward614
    Mward614 Posts: 30 Member
    Loving all the wonderful support and new friends!
  • Sherri1862
    Sherri1862 Posts: 4 Member
    I had lost 40 pounds then fell back into the same patterns when life got busy...stopped the exercise and started eating out again and the holidays were filled with sweets.....I have gained 15 of the 40 back in just 3 months....getting back on track this week. I want lose about 78 more pounds
  • Sherri1862
    Sherri1862 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me too.
  • thehumblefarmer
    thehumblefarmer Posts: 1 Member
    Just started here with lots to lose! Sign me up and help me stay on track!
  • angelfish8993
    angelfish8993 Posts: 7 Member
    You guys sound amazing!! I have a total of about 80 lbs still. If I don't meet my goal, but am healthy with muscles, I'll be okay with the end result. Feel free to add me :) loving helping others feeling motivated
  • canadian_bakin
    canadian_bakin Posts: 172 Member
    Need to lose a min of 50 lbs. anyone can add me :D
  • eissacf25
    eissacf25 Posts: 151 Member
    Need to lose a min of 50 lbs. anyone can add me :D
    I love your username haha!
  • Pooshka2
    Pooshka2 Posts: 208 Member
    I started (or shall I say "restarted") on January 3 with 77 pounds to lose. Friday morning weigh-in's, we'll see what tomorrow brings.
  • InspiredNewJourney
    InspiredNewJourney Posts: 66 Member
    Pooshka2 wrote: »
    Friday morning weigh-in's, we'll see what tomorrow brings.

    Friday weigh in for me too! Good luck
  • DaveA1970
    DaveA1970 Posts: 11 Member
    Would like to be a part of this, as I have 55 to lose. Looking forward to sharing with others.
  • SierraFatToSkinny
    SierraFatToSkinny Posts: 463 Member
    Mward614 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, I've been on and off and back on this site numerous times. I've found myself in a place without any solid accountability and I'm looking for a few good friends to help me reach my goals!

    This is super off topic, but you're very pretty
  • susanmansourhammond
    Hi all. I am 54 and have been overweight my whole life. I was sick and tired and blaming having Lupus and some other AI illnesses, but being fat was not helping. Started last January and I have lost 76 pounds the right way. I am a vegetarian and had been eating way too many carbs. Started working out once a week at a class for beginners and I am doing something every day, but not much since I still have joint issues. I feel so much better!
  • pdawnfloyd
    pdawnfloyd Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone. I would love to be apart of this group. I have 80 pounds to lose. I too have lost, got to my goal weight and maintained for a period of time and over the years I'm right back where I started. :( The accountability would be wonderful for me!
  • Prettygirl60
    Prettygirl60 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there i just started my weight loss journey Monday the 9th. My goal is to lose 70lbs. I had a babygirl in August 2015 so it's about time i get myself back in shape. I can give you some tips of what's helped me stay on track and not keeping to start over all the time etc. Lmk :) good luck!
  • Mward614
    Mward614 Posts: 30 Member
    Mward614 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, I've been on and off and back on this site numerous times. I've found myself in a place without any solid accountability and I'm looking for a few good friends to help me reach my goals!

    This is super off topic, but you're very pretty

    Aw that's sweet, thanks o:)
  • Mward614
    Mward614 Posts: 30 Member
    I am so thrilled to see this thread kind of "blast off"! Please add each other and lets stick together to make our dreams a reality! I don't know about the rest of you but I'm dreaming of "onederland"