Getting back to the plan after 18 mo.

Over two years ago I dedicated myself to tracking and accountability. I stayed on track for 6 months and lost 40 lbs getting within 5 of my target. I then slowly stopped tracking and gradually over 18 months gained 30 back. I'm motivated to get back on track and hope those that reach goal remember as I will that tracking and accountability is something Ive learned is necessary for some, me included.


  • SincerelyHiatus
    SincerelyHiatus Posts: 26 Member
    I did something similar last year. We can do this!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Sad how that happens. Each of you Againers inspire me to stay on my wagon.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I'm coming out of a slump myself - never broke my log in streak, but I definitely let my exercise habits wane and I stopped being honest with my diary. I've learned the same lesson as you. Re-committing feels great. Good luck!
  • TeachingT
    TeachingT Posts: 814 Member
    @Hulbert0089 I love that profile pic!

    I think most of us have been in your shoes. It's easy to slowly fall off the healthy bandwagon. It starts with 1 slip-up and gradually you slide off track. But, you noticed and have gotten yourself back to tracking. You got this.