How often do you give yourself a break from it all?



  • sarahlasvegas
    sarahlasvegas Posts: 73 Member
    I pretty much stay to the same plan always unless I have a special event (wedding, party, etc) then I allow myself some leeway....

    This for me too - I had my birthday off on 8th of July - and still lost 0.5pound that week, i had a sensible breakfast and lunch, but had a large chinese meal for dinner, and loads of champagne and wine. Ideally for me, not more than once a month massively over cals.

    This is changed from someone who probably had a large chinese/indian/pizz take away 2 or maybe 3 times a week - i think once/twice a month is acceptable as a treat and what id like to carry on with once i get to goal
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    i dont. but i dont really have a strict diet. I mean I don't really see why I would need a break. I do more of a lifestyle change.
    Yup same here
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I try to stick to the 80/20 rule.

    Although in reality I may give myself one evening meal a week that I don't cook myself (that may be a meal out or a take away or even a ready meal - and I still try to keep my choices as healthy as possible and I still log my meal) I also tend to drink once a week but I excercise so I have the calories to have a few vodka and diet cokes!

    As others say I don't view this as an evening 'off plan' but as I am the main chef at home this is my night off.... I love cooking but I need a break.
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I've been on here a week so i'm still learning what food i usually eat are high in calories but i don't think i'd ever schedule a "break" apart from holidays because i'd always use it as an excuse!
  • aforementionedfit
    aforementionedfit Posts: 19 Member
    This year hasn't been a good example, as I've been struggling with some stressful times and trying to adapt to maintenance with those times. But last year (when I lost aprox 30 lbs) I knew I wouldn't be able to restrict my calories every day. That wasn't going to be something I would ever be able to stick with. So what I did was stay to my calorie goal (within 100 calories) Monday - Friday. On the weekends I wouldn't count my calories and I would use time to splurg and eat the things that, while I didn't mind restricting, will probably never totally give up. It helped me have a lifestyle that was healthier than before and one I could stick with. I even found that on the weekends I went very much over my calorie target, I lost more following those weekends than the weekends that I stayed within that target. Later I found out that there is science that backs that up. This lifestyle is what I'm striving to get back to, as I think it's a good fit for me.