Fighting difficult cravings!!!

Decided this year after being told my cholesterol was a little higher than last time to drop some weight.. trying to eat less carbs and really enjoying the good natural healthy foods I've been preparing, only my second week and today is proving difficult to control cravings... will that pass? Help!!!


  • ieroen
    ieroen Posts: 77 Member
    I can only speak for myself, but what helps me in that area is dark chocolate. I think there's some science to back that up, like that it diminishes the hunger hormone or something. I'll usually pre-program a few pieces into MFP, just to make sure. I find that it really deals with cravings and gives a fulfilled feeling.
  • annxp93
    annxp93 Posts: 14 Member
    It will pass! BUT in the meantime, just know there are always healthy alternatives to most food cravings.
    Candy? Eat frozen grapes! Chips? Eat popcorn (obv. not the butter-drowned kind). Google is your BEST FRIEND in this journey.
    One big thing that has helped me a lot? Cold water. If I am just perusing for a snack (because I looovveeee snacks) I drink a LARGE glass of cold water and normally, I'm fine after. If I am not, then I'll consider what healthy options I should choose.
    I am no expert though, and I struggle daily. It helps a lot to remove temptation from your home as well. My boyfriend was being sweet and bought me ice cream. How can you say no to that?? So instead, I eat very small portions of the ice cream from time to time. That way I can still indulge, but I'm not gorging myself either.
  • annxp93
    annxp93 Posts: 14 Member
    A lot of this change is mind games. Making yourself believe you can survive without those things that are so deliciously bad for you.
    Honestly though, after a few weeks of eating healthier, you will find that lots of greasy, heavy food will sound awful to you. You'll find yourself craving the healthier options.