Please Don't Stop the Music! The Continuous Dance Challenge

For my music-loving couch potatoes~Let's dance our way out of July!

It's my first time giving a challenge, guys - I hope it helps those of us that might be in a rut.

To the meat and potatoes...Load your IPODs, iRivers and get your speakers/headphones ready for some serious use for the next 14 days.

WHO: For the single/people who live alone (and those brave people who don't care about looking a complete fool in front of those you share living space with)

WHAT: Start dancing as soon as you wake-up and don't stop until you put your head on the pillow.

WHEN: Monday, July 18th - Sunday, July 31st

WHERE: Your Home (Car, Workplace, & Public Places not included- for the sake of us all staying out of the insane asylum)

WHY: To Bring that adipose tissue under submission & To Bring the joy back to moving

HOW: 1. Go about your regular routine.
2. Keep your MP3 player/ Music Player going at all times when at home and move to the music continuously.
3. When you get up to do something, you must dance your way to where you are going and keep dancing when
you get to your destination.
4. Every time you are about to sit down, do 2 minutes of dancing before you sit down.
5. While sitting down, don't stop bopping and grooving.
6. If you need to focus on something else (like the TV, a phone call or a person),
PLEASE DON'T STOP THE MUSIC!- Just lower it and continue to lightly jam.
7. Get lost in the Music!

So that is the challenge, but I am at a loss for how we will track progress. That's where you come in.
I'd like to hear your suggestions. How are we going to track this?

I am leaning towards waist measurements as well as the song that happens to be playing while typing your response every day.

Something like this-
Starting Waist Measurement (SWM): #
Daily Waist Measurement (DWM): #
Song Name:

If you guys, can think of anything else that we should track/report on- let me know below and when I decide what'll go in our progress posts, I'll post it in the original message by 7PM Monday. **I am kinda leaning against tracking weight, because I don't believe in weighing everyday.**

THE BACKSTORY: As I am typing this, I am bopping something serious. It might take me 57 minutes to finally finish typing this, but I don't care. Calories are finding their way out! After all, that's what we are here for right? I thought of this challenge as I was washing dishes. You see, I hate washing dishes and the only way that I can make myself do them ASAP is to promise myself dancing and music time. Today, as I was doing this, I was jamming a little harder than usual and it got me thinking about the calories I was burning and the fact that I am over my desired weight simply because I don't move enough to cover what I consume. So I purposed in my heart to dance for the rest of the day- then I thought about MFP peeps and all the advice that I've gotten on here and thought that it's time I give something back.

Happy Moving!


  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    I'm in - off to Cuba on Monday though so I'll miss the end :cry:

    But - in a holiday mood already.

    Had the Freestylers 'Weekend Song' on repeat today lol - along with 'Push Up' and 'Warrior Dash'.


    Starting Waist Measurement: 30inches
    Artist: Freestylers
    Song: Weekend Song

    *shakes her funky stuff*
  • jady121584
    jady121584 Posts: 48 Member
    Jenny- Congrats on getting to your mini goal and the Cuba trip. This will help you keep your middle swimsuit ready. I've only been doing the challenge for 2 hours and I already feel it there.

    Cool tunes!

    Starting Waist Measurement: 84cm/33inches
    Artist: J. Cole
    Song: Workout
  • jady121584
    jady121584 Posts: 48 Member
    Bump for the late morning crew!
  • KiWi2011
    KiWi2011 Posts: 34
    Forgive my late late reply but how about waist measurements or pedometers? I figure the extra steps will be added because you're moving more so it should register.