Struggling to deal with weight loss compliments

I am slowly but surely losing weight, which I m happy about. But am struggling to deal with people commenting even though most of the time they're positive comments. I have never talked about my weight or trying to lose weight with anyone except 3 people. It probably sounds like a stupid problem but I really feel uncomfortable talking about it. I don't know what to say or do. I just really don't like talking about it. Just wondered if anyone had any advice on what or how I can deal with it. Has anyone else ever felt like this?


  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    How about just saying thank you
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    yes.... random people who i dont even know at work have started to come up to me while at the printer or fax machine mentioning they noticed i've been losing weight and i look good.
    My response: "thank you so much for noticing, i appreciate you being so kind"

    Thats it.. They usually don't pry and ask how i'm doing it or why.. they just smile and walk away.
    I hope that helps....
  • Emartz2
    Emartz2 Posts: 108 Member
    YES!!! But a compliment is compliment! Motivate yourself with it and just say THANK YOU! Best of luck!
  • trdy77
    trdy77 Posts: 82 Member
    I have found that whenever I get a compliment a simple thankyou is usually the only thing you need to say and if they ask how you did it I would use that as an opportunity to possibly help someone else start their journey and introduce them to MFP.
  • WowieGarcia
    You should be darn cocky about it, LOL!

    When I get compliments I say, "Well, thank you, I'm glad you noticed. I worked hard for it". And you don't have to say anything else.
    Remember you didn't lose the weight by just sitting down. You paid for it with sweat and tears. Be proud.
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    Totally normal to feel that way. :) Just look at it as an exercise in gaining self-confidence as well as losing weight ;)
  • Hanni
    Hanni Posts: 158 Member

    I feel the same sometimes. I got married at the end of April and I felt really selfconscious in my wedding dress.
    Since then I have lost 12 lb so far and people (especially at work) have commented. They comment on how they can see I have lost weight and it really upsets me because they obviously thought I looked fat in my wedding dress on my big day. Of course I know I was overweight on my wedding day but I liked living in the illusion that maybe people didnt see the weight. Now with all the comments (albeit they are all meant very nicely) it makes me realise they all noticed how over weight I was. Hard to explain really... I dont want to talk about what diet I am on and how I am restricting what bad foods I eat etc. But obviously after all the comments, now people want to know what I am doing. :grumble: i try and just say I am eating more healthily to try and get out of lengthy discussions, especially the dreaded "so how much do you weigh now?" question! :noway:

    If you feel uncomfortable about it, just say thank you with a big smile and leave it at that and if there are any questions, keep your answers general and short.

  • CountandBaxter
    CountandBaxter Posts: 31 Member
    You should be darn cocky about it, LOL!

    When I get compliments I say, "Well, thank you, I'm glad you noticed. I worked hard for it". And you don't have to say anything else.
    Remember you didn't lose the weight by just sitting down. You paid for it with sweat and tears. Be proud.

    exactly. I usually say ' thank you. I'm working hard at it ' :)
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    I am slowly but surely losing weight, which I m happy about. But am struggling to deal with people commenting even though most of the time they're positive comments. I have never talked about my weight or trying to lose weight with anyone except 3 people. It probably sounds like a stupid problem but I really feel uncomfortable talking about it. I don't know what to say or do. I just really don't like talking about it. Just wondered if anyone had any advice on what or how I can deal with it. Has anyone else ever felt like this?

    I know what you mean. For the longest I tried to "pretend" I didn't have a weight problem even though the scale steadily went up. So when I started losing weight and people started commenting I was very appreciative of it but still felt uncomfortable. I have gotten better and it motiviates me more to keep going, especially now that I know people are inspired by my journey! I still have a hard time when my fiancée tells me I am sexy and beautiful because I still don't feel like that since I still have further to go. It will get better just know you are doing an amazing job and deserve all the compliments and more!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    How about just saying thank you
    THIS..... and learn to embrace it and use it as fuel to keep motivated!
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    Im the sam way. Probably im so use to people saying negative things to me or called me names when i was young, that the compliments make me feel..weird.