
Hello everyone!

My name is Jess and I live in North - West Victoria (rural)! I've been using myfitnesspal for years now but I'm really focusing on weightloss at the moment!

I lost 20kgs using it in 2015 but unfortunately it's snuck back on! I'd love to link in with more Aussies so we can support each other!0ydzvjc4lwcg.jpg


  • 5n00py
    5n00py Posts: 125 Member
    If a grandpa figure in Stawell is of any use in your journey, count me in. I'm 10kgs in on my journey since September and 25kgs to go to get within my supposed BMI range. I'm also transitioning to a wholefoods vegan diet, just to add another level of difficulty to my journey.

  • rubylette29
    rubylette29 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello!! My names Naomi and im from South Australia! Im not trying to lose weight so much now as i have already lost 57kg. Im now trying to bulk on muscle. But its good to have buddys on here to keep us motivated!!
  • nancyonyeka
    nancyonyeka Posts: 3 Member
    Hello :-)

    I'm Nancy! I'm from London but I've lived in Australia for 5 years.

    I've been on and off this app and my weight has fluctuaed but this time I'm all in! Want to lose 15kg by July 11th (My birthday). I hope I make it. 1st week down and my weigh in is tomorrow. Feeling good already but scared I'll lose momentum again.

    Hopefully we can all drag eachother up the hill
  • Jessycur
    Jessycur Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys! Thanks for responding so far! I've sent friend requests. :) great work