I just wantis to be able to take off my wedding ring



  • runshellersrun123
    runshellersrun123 Posts: 21 Member
    I took mine off when they started to get too tight. It's been 2.5 years since I've had them on. I can't stand the feeling of them being tight, so I'll probably wait until I can wear them comfortably. I believe I'm 11 lbs away from being able to get one on!
  • durstybritt
    durstybritt Posts: 10 Member
    I remember mine were stuck for a while, because of water retention!! When I decreased the sodium they came off a little easier - still not 100% had to use soap. Once I lost a few more pounds they comfortably come off again! Same thing though - I had a baby in April and I couldn't wear them for the longest time just because of all the retained water. Bodies are nuts!
  • Eleniala
    Eleniala Posts: 87 Member
    Not what the OP is asking about, but I would like to share a cautionary tale:

    Shortly after we got married my husband sprained his ring finger, but refused to take his wedding band off at first. However, the swelling got so bad that the ring was cutting off blood flow and his finger started turning blackish. Went to the ER, and because the ring was titanium they were unable to cut it off using their regular tools (which work great on gold and silver). They tried every tool and method they could think off (and cut and burnt my husband in the process), and none would work on titanium. Called in the fire department, and they couldn't figure out a way to get the ring off without causing further injury, and doctors told us that they had no choice but to amputate. As they were prepping my husband for surgery I was on the phone with my in-laws telling them what was going on. Miraculously, there was a local jeweler waiting in the lobby who overheard the conversation. He immediately jumped into action, raced to his store to get one of his diamond cutting tools, and he was able to cut the ring off just in the nick of time. Hubby is lucky to still have all ten fingers!

    So guys, don't take any chances with your titanium rings. Take them off at the first sign of swelling...and keep your jeweler on speed dial.