What am I doing wrong?

I'm on 1600 calories (upped from 1200) cause apparently it was too low, and am struggling to lose weight. I don't know what to do. I'm really strict with the calories and want to lose a kg a week, but it's not happening. What is happening is that I get disheartened and then binge.


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    1Kg a week is very aggressive and very often not a reasonable goal. Usually, a reasonable goal is 1 lb/week.
    Are you losing weight each week? Is it around 1lb/week? If so, you're doing great!

    How long have you been counting calories? Perhaps it hasn't been long enough to determine a pattern of weight loss? Weight loss is not linear, so some weeks show less of a loss than others.

    Whatever you do, don't get disheartened. If you are losing weight, you're doing great.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    We're going to need more information. What are your stats (height, current weight, age, etc), how much are you trying to lose, and how long has it been since you haven't seen your weight decrease?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    We're going to need more information. What are your stats (height, current weight, age, etc), how much are you trying to lose, and how long has it been since you haven't seen your weight decrease?

    This and how are you measuring your food intake? How did you decide on 1600? What type of activity do you do? How do you measure the calorie burns? Are you consuming those exercise calories (all or some)? Are you not losing at all, or just less than you would like?

    The more information you can provide, the more specific advice can be to help you sort out where the issue could be.
  • zeldon919
    zeldon919 Posts: 118 Member
    Hang in there. It's a difficult struggle. And a lifelong one. Everyone on here has been there.

    First off, they say 1-2lbs (0.5-1kg) is a healthy weight loss rate, so if you're in that range you're doing well. My goal averages to less than 1lb a week. So maybe make your goal 0.5kg instead of 1, and see how that goes. I only lost 25lbs last year (11kg) but I'm still proud as hell of myself (most of the time - as previously stated, it's a struggle).

    How often do you weigh yourself? If you weigh daily, maybe go to weekly. Seeing the scale stand still, or move less than you'd like, could be unnecessarily disheartening.

    Do you exercise? If not, being even a tiny bit more active can help tilt the scales.

    If you feel you're doing everything right but not losing there may be an underlying health reason. A thyroid condition, PCOS if you're a woman, or a bunch of other things can make weight loss difficult. I have PCOS and until I got it under control with medication losing was way more difficult.

    Finally find a support system. Friends, people on MFP, even a mental health professional. You are far from the only person struggling with weight loss - lots of people have been through what you're going through. It sounds ridiculous, but even reading posts similar to yours can make you feel less alone and give you that boost of confidence.

    If the scale isn't moving as quickly as you'd like, try focusing on other goals. Logging every meal, staying within your calories, sticking to your macros (I don't look at those, but if you do), NOT weighing yourself every day, a fitness goal - these are all weight loss goals, but they aren't dependent on the scale. Moving your focus away from the scale towards healthy lifestyle changes may help with the feelings of failure and the bingeing.

    You'll get there. I have faith in you. Thousands of strangers on MFP have been where you are, or are in the exact same place, and are rooting for you to succeed.

    This isn't easy for anyone. But you can do it.
  • M_Izod
    M_Izod Posts: 13 Member
    It's a tough journey. One keep your head up. Remember that losing weight is not all about counting calories or just all about fitness. You have to have some sort of balance. Make sure what your fuelling your body with his healthy and Stay active as you can.
  • xxxxXdirtythirtyXxxxx
    CStavrakis wrote: »
    I'm on 1600 calories (upped from 1200) cause apparently it was too low, and am struggling to lose weight. I don't know what to do. I'm really strict with the calories and want to lose a kg a week, but it's not happening. What is happening is that I get disheartened and then binge.

    to me the binge is whats screwing you up. my experience is one cheat day=lost week of progress. also your weight can fluctuate by idk 5 pounds/day so keep that in mind when you are on week 4 and still weigh the same dont be disheartened. im no expert but i can tell you what works for me when i drop weight: stick to counting calories, exercise to make up for the extra intake. no cheat days. throw your scale in the trash and measure your progress by how your clothes fit and give it months, its not a week at a time deal. you can do it
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    With arbitrary calorie goals and unrealistic expectations about fast weight loss it's no wonder you're struggling.

    Take a moment to fill out your stats and goals and choose a reasonable weight loss rate (1 pound per week or less). Follow the calorie goal that gives you. I'm guessing 1200 was too low but 1600 is too high.
  • monstermashhhhedpotatoes
    CStavrakis wrote: »
    I'm on 1600 calories (upped from 1200) cause apparently it was too low, and am struggling to lose weight. I don't know what to do. I'm really strict with the calories and want to lose a kg a week, but it's not happening. What is happening is that I get disheartened and then binge.

    to me the binge is whats screwing you up. my experience is one cheat day=lost week of progress. also your weight can fluctuate by idk 5 pounds/day so keep that in mind when you are on week 4 and still weigh the same dont be disheartened. im no expert but i can tell you what works for me when i drop weight: stick to counting calories, exercise to make up for the extra intake. no cheat days. throw your scale in the trash and measure your progress by how your clothes fit and give it months, its not a week at a time deal. you can do it

    I just wanted to throw in a little bit of input--cheating for a whole day might be unhealthy and you lose a little bit of progress, but DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TREAT YOURSELF ONCE IN A WHILE. Obviously not every meal of a day and certainly not everyday, but having a bowl of your favorite ice cream or eating a doughnut once within a few weeks time period, maybe even a month or two in between, is not going to hurt you. One meal won't make you gain all your weight back, so it's okay to splurge on something you really enjoy once in a while. Without that, you WILL feel the pressure to binge. You have to make sure you're enjoying the process of losing weight instead of it making you miserable
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    With arbitrary calorie goals and unrealistic expectations about fast weight loss it's no wonder you're struggling.

    Take a moment to fill out your stats and goals and choose a reasonable weight loss rate (1 pound per week or less). Follow the calorie goal that gives you. I'm guessing 1200 was too low but 1600 is too high.

    Did you get your calorie goal figured out? How are you doing now?
  • ckfromedmonton
    ckfromedmonton Posts: 18 Member
    Based on tdee I am eating 1100 calories a day. I weigh and measure, but I have counting exercise which is maybe slowing me down? Logged in 40 days; mostly clean food. I am 56, 131 lbs. 5'2.5 inches. Hoping to drop 10 pounds. Willing to put in the time, but this is very slow. I work with a trainer doing strength training 2x week and one hiit. Sometimes yoga too. I think my profile is public. What am I doing wrong?
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Based on tdee I am eating 1100 calories a day. I weigh and measure, but I have counting exercise which is maybe slowing me down? Logged in 40 days; mostly clean food. I am 56, 131 lbs. 5'2.5 inches. Hoping to drop 10 pounds. Willing to put in the time, but this is very slow. I work with a trainer doing strength training 2x week and one hiit. Sometimes yoga too. I think my profile is public. What am I doing wrong?

    How are you measuring your food? Every day seems to have mostly the exact same weights for the same foods (for example, every day you have 1oz of oatmeal).
    My guess is that you aren't weighing and/or measuring your food and possibly eating more than you think you are.