Losing 115 LBS Journey Starts TODAY

Hello everyone! My name is Cierra. I'm 21 and 5 foot 6 weighing at 280 lbs. I'm trying to lose 115 lbs within the year! Any positive feedback or advice? This app is wonderful


  • Brookieb1326
    Brookieb1326 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey Cierra! I am also 21, 5 foot 8 weigh about 268 and want to lose about 100 pounds! Feel free to add me and we can work on this together!!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Hello Cierra, it all starts with you. Believe in yourself, love yourself, push yourself and you will succeed. It will be important to watch your intake so measure everything get a digital scale and log EVERYTHING.
    Be careful not to push to hard to soon as you may get tired or possibly injured or both.
    Also get a support group, close friends that will support you but also will call you out when needed.
    Good luck not that you will need it.
  • kshelton957
    kshelton957 Posts: 7 Member
    Much love to you Cierra and your willingness to see a change! I am also on a journey in shedding this weight off. I encourage you to start strong and keep pushing, each day is new results. Add me, I'm down 22pounds so far!! 296-274
  • GeminiGenesis_
    GeminiGenesis_ Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all guys!!
  • 5n00py
    5n00py Posts: 125 Member
    It's great that you've made the decision, and put it out there for others to be able to "keep you honest and focused".

    Keep in mind that it is a lifestyle change. If you revert back to old (bad) behaviors, then you already know what's going to happen, or you wouldn't be here now. Stay strong, and call out to your buddies here if you need encouragement, support and advice. It may be a solo journey of rediscovery for yourself, but there's now a whole team on that journey with you!
    ..... Try not to "lose 100 lbs ... rather, lose 1lb but 100 times" ... don't know why but that makes me feel better..... Tim.

    GREAT ADVICE there Tim. Love your quote!
  • Jonjon59
    Jonjon59 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Cierra. I'm 21 and 5 foot 6 weighing at 280 lbs. I'm trying to lose 115 lbs within the year! Any positive feedback or advice? This app is wonderful

    Yes..it's sound hard but please focus on cardio..if you can start by running in place for 5-10mins. At an average pace you could reach a mile in 9mins. So that 4 times a week to start..trust me you will notice a change in weight and energy..
  • tmharrison1985
    tmharrison1985 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello, all ... I'm 5'2" and 31 year old with a little over 100 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me!!! The more friends and supporters the better. I have an open diary and my daily calorie goal is 1200-1400. Hope to see some of you on my friends list.
  • LaxJac
    LaxJac Posts: 52 Member
    Gemini, happy to help motivate and support. Have lost 100+ a few years back and gained back 50 with knee issues (and *kitten* eating). Feel free to add.
  • chgonzalez1978
    chgonzalez1978 Posts: 114 Member
    Congrats on your decision to better yourself! I was on a similar journey about 2 years ago (started at 300lb and now173lbs) and with help and encouragement from my MFP friends (along with others in my life) I was able to loose about 130lbs. That journey has ended only to start a new one which is to maintain my weight in the long term. Feel free to friend me and Ill be happy to assist in anyway I can.
  • payneabigail292
    payneabigail292 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey girl, I am also 21 and was 200 about a year ago, i then lost 80lbs and beat my goal of 150 and got down to 120lbs. Threw a tough time of loosing a close friend I turned to food and gained 40lbs back. I am now trying to get back down to 130 as my goal weight, but love sharing my eating habits and giving motivation to other girls trying to loose the weight, I now need to learn to keep it off! Add me as a friend for motivation for each other on your journey to not dieting but a healthy life style!