Getting rid of this middle age tire! I will be losing 30lbs:)

gailmagers Posts: 7 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Turned 44 and the weight finally came:( losing 30lbs! Looking to turn 45 in the best shape of my life:)


  • kimmy27848
    kimmy27848 Posts: 34 Member
    There are a few of us at this age who are experiencing the same thing and have the same goal. Welcome!
  • m_flugels
    m_flugels Posts: 9 Member
    Also turning 44 in August. I actually can't believe just snuck up on me! Wishing you success and hope the support of the community here helps.
  • chickenkebab43
    chickenkebab43 Posts: 6 Member
    gailmagers wrote: »
    Turned 44 and the weight finally came:( losing 30lbs! Looking to turn 45 in the best shape of my life:)

    Yep know this feeling all to well.. I will be 44 in February and over the past 4 years my waist line has been slowly vanishing.
    I need to be committed to change as I feel I will be going past the point of no return.
    I've also got 30lbs yo loose so please feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck