Accountability Partners- Losing weight while TRAVELING!

I'm looking to make new friends on here who understand some of the challenges associated with losing weight while traveling. I currently live in Central Asia and looking to lose 50+ lbs. I do a bit of traveling, which makes routines harder.
If this sounds like you, lets do this together!


  • beef0321
    beef0321 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am also looking to loose wieght (40-50) & gain muscle.
    I do not travel for work or anything but i drive about 300-350miles/week due to work & my childs rigorous dance schedule. It seems like i am never home & when i am i just dont feel like working out. I just cant seem to establish a routine either. I KNOW i should & i WANT to but the energy level is just not there. I have tried taking running clothes with me to go for runs while my child is in dance class but it is way to cold outside for that this time of year.
    I really am looking for someone to help me stay accountable to JUST DO IT when it comes to getting those work out ins.