Diet while traveling?

Suggestion on travel? I pack ahead, but that only lasts a day or so... Every resturant is worthless. Even if you can find grilled chicken, you have no idea if they poured butter over it...



  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    do the best you won't be able to be perfect but all menus have better choices. if you are in a hotel with breakfast, they almost always have oatmeal, yogurt and hard boiled eggs. Grab an apple from the fruit bowl...or go the grocery store where you are travelling and load up on healthy snacks. But do enjoy yourself, don't obsess over it, just do what you can do and get back at it when you get back!
  • leesagagliardi
    leesagagliardi Posts: 13 Member
    Grace advice, suruda. Most motels have gyms these days or a pool. If not find the local gym. Keep going :)
  • NewGemini130
    NewGemini130 Posts: 219 Member
    When I'm traveling for work I ask the hotel for a mini fridge and micro if it's not already in the room (I say I'm on a special diet or food restrictions, true). I bring nuts and bars I like. Then first stop is a grocery store or even a target with food. I walk or take a taxi/uber. I just buy sturdy produce (apples, mini carrots) and whatever is can easily heat or prep and log (cans of soup, even micro meals). Not the best but easy to log and portion control. If it's dinner out with colleagues just make the best choice you can and move on. Most restaurants will adapt for you if you're specific. Good luck!
  • Mnaminal
    Mnaminal Posts: 90 Member
    I agree with newGemini. I seek out hotels with a microwave /fridge or I Airbnb an apartment so I have a full kitchen. Hard boiled eggs are very easy to come by. If there's a grocery nearby I'll get prewashed salad greens, baby tomatoes, and pre cooked shrimp or low sodium deli meat for lunch. 2 packets ketchup + 1/2 packet mayo + 1 packet hot sauce (if you can get it) = Russian dressing. Going out, I avoid bread and potatoes and do my best to just get a lean meat and steamed veg.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    I shop at grocery stores and eat what I normally do.
  • jimr5454
    jimr5454 Posts: 19 Member
    My absolute favorite part traveling is the morning run !! Sunrise new smells news sounds the real feel of a new place new faces and most of all a new start every day is a new shot at being better then you were dont worry just eat best you can run baby run..
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    When traveling I tend to have a good google in the area about what is possible. Usually there is a fridge so I can at least have some nice breakfast stuff in there. Last time there was even a supermarket right next to the hotel which made life easier.
    Evening meals - Just a main and if at all possible soups and salads. They could be bought from the supermarket next to the hotel. When I travel alone I will do that.
    If you are in one area for a few days to a week - try renting an apartment of go AirBnB - then often you can get something with cooking facilities.