Anyone ever used phentermine?

Went to the dr to start losing weight correctly. They prescribed phentermine. Just wanted to see if anyone used it and what your results or side effects were.


  • rban1000
    rban1000 Posts: 7 Member
    I use it and it's great
    I'm at my goal weight. I think it really helps me to maintain it.
  • DoneWorking
    DoneWorking Posts: 247 Member
    edited January 2017
    rban1000 wrote: »
    I use it and it's great
    I'm at my goal weight. I think it really helps me to maintain it.

    How long have you been taking it? I understood it to be for short-term use because the body develops tolerance to it fairly quickly.
  • Im back on it for the 2nd time. It will become addictive if you stay on it for awhile. My side effects have been dry mouth, constipation, can not sleep, but you will lose alot of weight fast. I just started back 4 days ago. the last time before i got pregnant i dropped 21 pounds in 3 weeks. Goodluck