Baby weight!


Any mama's out there looking to get back to a pre baby weight?

I am a mom of two, a four year old girl and 7 week old son. My goal is to get back to my pre baby weight before my first one and then some to get to a healthy range. That comes out to losing about 50 pounds. I'm hoping getting healthy will equal more energy for my two kiddos! :)


  • its_nati08
    its_nati08 Posts: 8 Member
    I can definitely relate. I'm mom to 3 beautiful girls and although my smallest is 2, the weight just never came off. My goal is also to get back to pre-baby weight. I'm sending you a request so we can cheer each other on!
  • shelts19
    shelts19 Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds like a plan!
  • wishieannie
    wishieannie Posts: 2 Member
    Same here! My kids are 4 1/2 yrs & 13 months. I have not lost any weight since having my youngest. In fact I've actually gained weight
  • shelts19
    shelts19 Posts: 8 Member
    Adding you! We can be in this together!
  • wishieannie
    wishieannie Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds wonderful! It's hard to do it alone
  • shelts19
    shelts19 Posts: 8 Member
    It really is. Especially being mom's...I know I always feel like my kids needs come first, I'm sure you do to. That usually means I am sacrificing eating decent and exercising to make sure they eat and are taken care of! Time to put ourselves first! In the long run it will be worth it!
  • manning2882
    manning2882 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes I can relate. I'm a mom of 2 girls a 2 yr old and an 11 month old, birthdays next month. Iv been trying to get rid of baby weight from my first. I was 125 before both my kids with my first I went up to 188 pounds..... not my best moment especially since I struggled to loose the weight. I then got pregnant with my 2nd about a year after and went from 175 down to 160. But now I'm struggling to loose the weight, my goal is to be around 130. Iv been at this for a month and I'm down to 155.
  • etobmommy
    etobmommy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies a mom of three here as well my youngest is 12 weeks looking to lose at least a good 30 pounds if not more
  • lisamarie05
    lisamarie05 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes! My youngest is 10 months and I need to kick this baby weight to the curb!!! Can I add you girls?
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Trying to do the same. Have a three year old girl and a 3 month old girl. Just started trying to lose the 40 pounds baby weight plus an extra 30 pounds to get to a healthy weight. I have been doing good so far but would like the extra motivation form others who are trying to achieve the same goals. Anyone can add me
  • noctimern
    noctimern Posts: 1 Member
    I have a 10 week old and I need to lose 28 lbs of baby weight but would like to lose 13 besides that. That would be ideal, but at this point I want to focus on the 28 lbs.
  • mylanaqua
    mylanaqua Posts: 10 Member
    Congratulations to all of you ladies! Your children are very fortunate to have you as mothers! Especially when you want to be in good health. I had my fourth child 10 months ago, and the toughest part is probably losing the baby fat. Though I am 10 pounds below my prepregnancy wait I still have to lose more because I have a boxing tournament coming up in a couple of months. I would love to support all of y'all!
  • amelse2544
    amelse2544 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I just had my second son 5 months ago. I did loose the pregnancy weight but I want to loose another 15 lbs. I've been wanting to loose that weight for the past 5 years but I've just been making excuses. I'm so ready and would love to cheer you on and all the other mommy's here
  • Catndog44
    Catndog44 Posts: 1 Member
    I can relate and could definitely use some cheerleaders!!! :-) I used my fitness pal five years ago to lose about twenty pounds and stay there for several years so it really is do-able. We went through some really stressful times recently between trying to get pregnant, a difficult pregnancy, and delivering at 27 weeks/5 month NICU stay, where during all of that I managed to put on an extra 50 pounds.

    It's at the point now where I really need to lose this weight. I am trying to start by cutting out the calories where I can because I'm not sure how I can fit workouts into my life right now with taking care of my daughter. She still requires a lot of medical care at home and it's hard for me to find any time for myself. I'd be open to any ideas though! :-)
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    I have a 17 year old & a 19 month old, I can relate! It was definitely easier to get back in shape when I was younger.
    If any of you ladies want to add me feel free, I'd love to share & get new ideas for working in exercise with a little one around :smile:
  • cheerleading_ns
    cheerleading_ns Posts: 8 Member
    I'm here with yah. I have an almost 3 year old girl and a 5 month old son and so far I have lost the baby weight from both kids finally. A lot of hard work at the gym with a trainer and healthy eating and lots of cardio. Now I'm losing past the baby weight and working on my goal to get where I want to be. I have about 75 pounds to do that.
  • jayjay5549
    jayjay5549 Posts: 103 Member
    not trying to flirt happily married but everyone of you are beautiful
  • Gia6280
    Gia6280 Posts: 49 Member
    Late to this post but in the same boat if anyone wants to add me. I am a mom to 3. 17, 8 and 7 weeks! This last pregnancy was extremely rough and I'm the heaviest I've ever been. Looking to drop about 45 lbs.
  • katsoslim
    katsoslim Posts: 39 Member
    Me too! I've got 5 months until my brother's wedding too, which adds more pressure. Let's do this!
  • 1cause
    1cause Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ladies, I have twins 15 months old and in need to lose 60 pounds.