How to loose lbs @ age 42

Hola I'm a 42 year female trying to loose 20 pounds after my third baby now 8 months. Is been a long journey not feeling very well. Do not like what I see nor how feel


  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am 46 and I have lost 85 lbs ..just by portion control and counting calories(even though I haven't been logging my food for awhile now) plug in your stats in Mfp I would set it to lose .5 lbs a week since you don't have a lot to lose and eat what mfp tells you and if you exercise eat your allotted mfp calories + 50 to 75% of your exercise calories ....wishing you much success :)
  • cccatron
    cccatron Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I will be 42 in April and working away with 15 lbs I want to loose.
  • toleska
    toleska Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I am 62 y.o. female in Maryland. Since August, I have shed 46 lbs by logging every morsel I put in my I use this app faithfully and pay close attention to my fat grams and calories, drink plenty of water. Try hard to get in exercise but need to do better. Good luck to all, stay strong and do it for you.....because you matter!
  • rban1000
    rban1000 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 42 I lost 25lbs after triplets who are now 13 months old.
    I log every calorie and I kickbox and I'm on phentermine.
    It's still hard. I want to binge eat. I basically have cut out red meat...or pasta or bread...the struggle is real.