Breakfast Shakes

I'm hoping some one out there might be able to help me out with finding the perfect breakfast shake.

Now I have an early start in the mornings and I looooove my sleep so i'm looking for a shake i can prepare the night before or in bulk and possibly freeze.

I personally have no idea where to start with this but thought this could be a perfect alternative to all those sugary cereals out there and could be a great way for me to get the vitamins and energy I need for the day.

Unfortunately I also suffer from M.E so vitamin boosted recipes would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance ^_^


  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    they are not shakes but how abou the Yoplait Smoothies that you can buy from the freezer section? They taste really good and are quick to make.
  • My hubby has been making Kale shakes for the past few mornings and sometimes for an afternoon snack. Doesn't sound yummy, but they are! Kale is pretty cheap and then we freeze our fruit and throw it in the blender (bananas, strawberries and blueberries) with some ice, water, flax seed, and agave syrup, sometimes he throws a few walnuts in too. So yummy and very healthy! They keep me full for a while as well! Warning...your shakes may look kinda green but they taste like the fruit you put into them.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Each morning I used to blend frozen strawberries, banana, almond milk, & Vega Complete powder. Now I blend fresh strawberries, frozen banana, spinach, water, & Vega Complete powder. If you want a meal you can make ahead, you could make up a big batch of steel cut oats, or oatmeal, at the start of the week, divide it up into bowls with your toppings, and refrigerate. I add chopped apple, chopped walnuts, maple syrup, & cinnamon.
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    I was going to suggest the Yoplait Smoothies as well. I make them with Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk. I find I have to add more milk than it calls for to thin it out some. Each Yoplait Smoothies bag makes two smoothies. Its really simple. The bag is frozen fruits, you dump the bag into the blender, add the milk, and blend. Takes only takes 1-2 minutes tops! Very yummy too! Good Luck!
  • coderchris
    coderchris Posts: 79 Member
    There are many breakfast smoothies that you can make and put in the fridge for the next morning. Use greek yougurt with milk and frozen berries. You can mix in baby spinach with blueberries and can not even taste the spinach. I have even mixed in avocado. The options are endless, it is what you like and trying some things together to see how you like it. Good luck....
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    If you decide to go the pre-made shake route, be sure to add in some protein whey powder...the protein will help you feel fuller longer.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    If you're looking for a pre-made, the Muscle Milk light are pretty good.

    However, it really only takes minutes (less than 5) to make your own each morning, which is way better.

    I buy EAS vanilla (1 scoop = 130 calories and 23 grams of protein). Mix that with 6oz of water, a couple of strawberries and 1/4 of a banana. I put it in my magic bullet with a bit of crushed ice and blend all together. It is really tasty and keeps you full for hours.
  • Piglet_26
    Piglet_26 Posts: 104
    Thanks guys!!!

    plenty of great suggestions to take inspiration from here, i'm impressed.

    I'm defo feeling the idea of the frozen fruit with a bit of milk and maybe some added goodies.

    Best make up my shopping list :)