I am 5'6 and weigh around 146 lbs. According to MFP, if I were to go with losing the recommended 1lb/week I would have to eat 1320 calories a day. This is after I changed my goal from being 1.5lb/week to 1lb/week because I wanted to be more realistic about the goals I set for myself. My daily calorie deficit would be 500 calories.
I'm confused. I've read a post on here about how this range of calories (1200-1300ish) is too little, and makes one tired and not likely to continue with their new lifestyle. I've jumped off the MFP wagon a couple of times now and I want to make sure that this time I stay for a long, long period of time. Yes, I do want to see a change, but this time I am willing to wait and work hard for it rather than just cut down my food intake in hopes of seeing some fast results because that will most likely end in me giving up too soon!
So I just wanted to hear your opinions about this? What are your calorie intakes and do you feel like they work for you? Any words of advise you could give me?
I want to be able to eat the right, healthy amount of food. I really want to do this right this time around :)


  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member
    My best advice is to exercise, so you can eat back your exercise calories, thus eating more, and lose the desired weight. :)
  • Brittany1414
    You should eat minimum 1200 cal a day.
    I thought that was to little also but then realized that if you are eating right and working out then that is more then enough to keep you full for the day

    Best of Luck!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I did 1200 calories per day for exactly 90 days until I reached my goal. I felt fine. But I did come in every day as close to 1200 as possible. I ate healthy foods so it took a lot of food to get me to 1200 calories. Also, exercise and eat back you exercise calories so you can eat more than the 1200 or 1300 allotted.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    The closer you are to your ideal weight, the closer your calorie goal is going to be at 1200. You are not obese so it does not suprise me that your calorie goal is not far off from the recommended 1200 calories a day. I am obese. I personally set my calorie goal at 1800. This gives me a 1000 calorie deficit plus a little more. I usually eat around 1200 to 1300 calories a day and then raise it back to 1800 once every 7 to 14 days. This keeps my body from adjusting to the larger calorie deficit.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    I eat 1200 calories. I generally eat back at least a portion of my exercise calories to make sure I'm fueling my body properly. I find myself to be more energized now that I go to the gym regularly.

    1200 is the absolute minimum you should eat each day, because it's almost impossible to get adequate nutrition without eating at least 1200 calories (it's a WHO standard, not some arbitrary number). The most important thing to do is to listen to your body. If you're hungry, eat. If you're not, don't, Learn to differentiate between hunger and boredom. Just be smart about the program, and it'll (hopefully) have the effects you're after!
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I am about the same height and weight and am set to lose .5lbs a week. it gives me almost 1500 calories a day. Sometimes I get close to that and sometimes I don't but I like that I am allowed more. Plus, I only have about 10-15lbs to lose and they say you are supposed to set it at .5lb loss per week when you get close to your goal.
  • Kristin111365
    I am 5-8, 230 pounds and I only have 1200 calories a day. I work full time and workout 7 days a week for at least 45 minutes and over an hour on the weekends. I dont feel tired put I do have to be careful about the foods I eat and make sure they count. I have lost 36 pounds since february, so I think it is working fine. I dont eat back my exersice calories for the most part.

    Good luck
  • maureensm
    maureensm Posts: 171 Member
    I agree with exercising to up your calories. I generally have my net set to around 1300 but I hardly ever eat just 1300! Usually more like 1800-2100 with exercise added in.

    Another option is to change your settings in MFP to lose 1/2 pound per week. At 5'6" and 145, I seriously doubt you have much to lose. For those closer to goal, it's much more difficult to get a big deficit without exercise factoring in. If you're ok with taking your time, then raise bar a bit and eat a little bit more to make it more sustainable.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Losing weight is simple. Eat less calories than you burn. The hard part is doing it.

    If you want to lose 1lb a week, which is a realistic goal, MFP will set your calories to be 500 a day lower than what it thinks you need, based on your inputs of height, weight and activity level. If you want to eat more calories than recommended, you need to burn some by adding exercise to your daily routine.

    For example, if you added 300 calories of cardio exercise a day, you could eat 300 more than MFP is telling you now, and still lose 1lb a week.

    I am a 6'5" guy, with a desk job, so my calories are set to 1,960 a day. If I didn't want to lose weight, I'd eat 2,460 a day.

    From what I understand, MFP won't recommend less than 1,200 a day. You should be able to eat the recommended 1,320 a day and get your essential nutrients, and if you add some exercise, you have even more calories to "play with".

    Good luck on your journey, and I hope this explanation helped a little.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Sounds like we are of similar height. I am about 5'6" ish. Used to be 5'7" but shrinking already! I am currently at 139 and my weight loss goal is 2 pounds per week. I am allowed 1200 calories per day and of course earn extra with exercise. I don't feel deprived at all and have been able to stick with MFP since April. I still have 9 pounds to go and I know I will get there. I think the maintaining is harder than losing. I have been there before and gained it back and that is why I am here!

    I never eat back all my exercise calories though. Well I guess I shouldn't say never. I rarely eat them all!
  • imcsqrd
    imcsqrd Posts: 32
    I have myself set for 1200 calories a day and do very well with that as long as I eat smart. I have definitely become more aware of what's in the food I eat and the food database is awesome for helping figure it all out. I do not find myself to be hungry or tired because of it and feel better for having lost 12 pounds so far. I try not to eat all my 'exercise' calories which hasn't been to hard to do since most of my exercising in the evening after dinner. The 1320 limit is not meant to be the way you live for the rest of your life. As you stated, it puts you at a 500 calorie deficit so you'll burn fat for energy. Bear in mind, you aren't to far away from where you should be, so losing the weight will take longer. Patience is the biggest key for you in this life change. Be sure to exercise to boost your metabolism and make the good food choices.
  • Pronoiac
    Pronoiac Posts: 304
    Most peoples ideas of calorie intakes are from right in the middle of the bell curve for average adult height/weight/activity level & aimed at maintenance. So while those perceptions constantly circulate around they do not apply to every single woman. You are rather slightof build so It would make sense you are in that range. MFP seems to have the calorie issue really dialed in so try it for a few weeks and let your results and the way you fell be the dtermining factors.

    Good Luck.
  • perne11
    perne11 Posts: 46 Member
    Im 5'7 and I'm set at 1200 cals a day. I weight 147, and 1200 cals a day is more than enough for me unless I eat a really bad meal, 1200 cals can hold be for the entire day.