busy mom needing to lose baby weight! help!

Lovebug90 Posts: 1
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
I am a busy mom of 2 boys under 3 desperately needing to lose the baby weight! Any suggestions for little time but lots to lose?


  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    They are perfect ages to train em early on healthy foods, so just let them eat what you do. Use a double stroller for walks if you don't already, the extra weight will burn more calories. Naptime workouts are your friend, if they sleep at the same time. My son loves it when I lay on my back and lift him above my chest then lower him over my head. That is called something when you use weights... but I cant think of it. Works the back of my arms and chest though and he just giggles~ You can do alot of horsing around with little boys that will make you stronger. Dance, kids love to dance. Turn on the music when they would normally be making a mess, and start dancing around, holding hands to swinging em around. I think the key is to get them involved, then they want you to do it more, and there is no better motivation for anything than little kids screaming "again, again"
  • tkmryan
    tkmryan Posts: 1 Member
    Excercise is almost always the key to weight loss for me. I know it's difficult as a mom to fit it in, but do you have a local gym with babysitting? I work 4 days a week and have a 4 year old and an 8 month old and occasionally use the gym's babysitting on Fridays when I'm home if I don't get up early enough to go before my husband leaves for work or I try to fit it in on weekend mornings. The motivation is two-fold with the in-gym babysitting -- the kids have fun and it helps my weight loss goals. I am lucky though in that I also have a free gym at work and use that instead of taking a lunch hour during my work days. I know how difficult it is when you have little ones at home. I actually don't even know how we are able to gain weight when all we do is run around crazy until the kids finally get to sleep at night. When I'm dragging and don't think I can do it -- I just give myself a reality check -- one hour is NOTHING when you are running 24 hours a day anyway. It's over before you know it and you have endorphins to give you energy and helps with your patience level for dealing with the kids. Good luck on your weight loss goals.
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    I agree with the idea of incorporating your kids into your exercise....playing and dancing and just moving....but if you are looking for a video....The 30 day Shred is short (24 minutes) and incorporates strength, cardio and abs...otherwise, Netflix has tons of 30-45 minutes workouts that I've done. Walk off the pounds is good esp. when first starting out, and you can determine the length (miles), or Power 90 from beachbody...i just got done with that, and they are 35 minutes a day. I have 4 kids 5 and under and I understand how hard it is to get stuff done, but stick with it, and Good luck!!! Friend me if you are needing encouragement!!!
  • Effster
    Effster Posts: 18 Member
    I have two kids: a 2 year old and a 1 year old, plus a full-time job, so I totally get the whole needing to lose weight on little time! For me, what was really important is ensuring that I have plenty of healthy food and fresh fruit to eat in the house, so that when I'm strapped for time I don't reach for something unhealthy or over processed and going over my calorie goal for the day. For exercise, I set my alarm clock to wake up an extra hour earlier than I did before I was trying to lose weight, so that I have about 20-25 minutes to walk/jog and shower before the kids (and hubby) wake up. We also go for walks after dinner (about a mile in length) where I pull them both in a wagon around the neighborhood, and on the weekend we go to the park/beach. Also, they love to dance, so I'll join them when they're watching one of the kids shows that have a lot of music and dancing. :smile:
  • Tayla08
    Tayla08 Posts: 94
    I'm a busy mom of two girls under 3, so I know what it to have little time. I get up at 5am before I have to get ready for work and generally do a work out video. I've been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, and when I'm finished with that I'll be starting her Ripped in 30. Every other night I do Couch to 5k and run/walk. When it's not so hot outside, I'll walk during my lunch break, right now it's way too hot out.

    I also like to take my girls and put them in our double stroller and go for a walk...Pushing that thing around is a workout all in it's own! :smile:

    Good Luck, you just have to fit it in where you can and be creative.
  • Hi, I feel your pain and I support you! I will say one thing that you are not supposed to (because exercise is SO GOOD for you) but you can LOOSE weight purely by eating alone. I lost my first 23lbs that way. I was too tired with a new baby to exercise, but still not loosing weight due to my eating habits. I joined Jenny Craig, they put me on 1200cal/day and 23lbs came off like nothing. Once I lost that I felt better exercising. I still have quite a bit to loose, but the days when I know I will run short on time, I just do the best I can to keep to 1200 cals, I walk up and down the stairs, I park my car farther away and I am still chipping away the lbs/ozs even when I cannot intensely work out.
  • They are perfect ages to train em early on healthy foods, so just let them eat what you do. Use a double stroller for walks if you don't already, the extra weight will burn more calories. Naptime workouts are your friend, if they sleep at the same time. My son loves it when I lay on my back and lift him above my chest then lower him over my head. That is called something when you use weights... but I cant think of it. Works the back of my arms and chest though and he just giggles~ You can do alot of horsing around with little boys that will make you stronger. Dance, kids love to dance. Turn on the music when they would normally be making a mess, and start dancing around, holding hands to swinging em around. I think the key is to get them involved, then they want you to do it more, and there is no better motivation for anything than little kids screaming "again, again"

    My youngest son is 2 and my oldest is 3, they both love salad and they eat healthy foods too. They were eating healthier than me at some point. And with the workouts I usually get up when my hubby gets up for work and I try to work out before they get up. Sometimes that doesn't always workout the way I want to, So I work out when my youngest naps and my Oldest son jumps around with me and he loves it. Also take them out for walks, they really enjoy it and they get really tired.
  • Hi, I feel your pain and I support you! I will say one thing that you are not supposed to (because exercise is SO GOOD for you) but you can LOOSE weight purely by eating alone. I lost my first 23lbs that way. I was too tired with a new baby to exercise, but still not loosing weight due to my eating habits. I joined Jenny Craig, they put me on 1200cal/day and 23lbs came off like nothing. Once I lost that I felt better exercising. I still have quite a bit to loose, but the days when I know I will run short on time, I just do the best I can to keep to 1200 cals, I walk up and down the stairs, I park my car farther away and I am still chipping away the lbs/ozs even when I cannot intensely work out.

    One more thing- I was not breast feeding my baby. If you have a little one you are feeding, you need to consult a DR about appropriately calories so you do not jeopardize the little one.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    My kids are 3 and 1.5 years old. I started doing Jillian's 30DS almost a month ago; it's short but still a good workout. We sometimes take a walk around the block after dinner. We play in our backyard when I get home from work. We dance. All these little things add up. A lot of weight loss will come from nutrition, 80-90% of it. So stock up with healthy foods and snacks, and drink enough water. Good luck.
  • beaglenutty
    beaglenutty Posts: 160 Member
    I have a 12 week old and a 3 yr old. So I try to workout when the baby is sleeping. I have a wii fit and do that a lot. W have direct tv and they have a exercise t.v. and I dvr some aerobics. They have a lot of 20 min ones that are nice. And I do try to take my 3 yr old for walks at nigth when its not so darn hot out lol I love going to the gym but usually only go on the weekends. Good luck:)
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