Need to lose 50lbs - trying to battle cravings

I've just started my weight loss journey at 14st I'm 5"7 so hoping to lose around 50lbs, I've started making my own chicken salads, meal prepping, substituting food for the healthier option etc, and trying to cut out processed food and what not but I'm really struggling to curb all the chocolate and sweet cravings, sometimes I find it's all I think about and it's getting really difficult to ignore, I feel like such a fat loser, how greedy that I am finding it difficult to ignore chocolate cravings :/ anyone else feel the same or have any advice?


  • Furr62
    Furr62 Posts: 15 Member
    You can still have chocolate as long as you fit it into your calorie allowance. Sugar free fudge pops are only 40 calories. However, if chocolate is a trigger food for you and you can't stop once you start, avoid it. Cravings will pass.
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    I have always been a sweets person - I'll take those over salty snacks any day. My favorite snack now is 1 container of plain greek yogurt, a handful of raspberries, and a spoonful of mini semi sweet chocolate chips. It gives me just enough chocolate to satisfy my craving while giving me protein and a fruit serving. But, like the person said above - if chocolate is your trigger food you need to avoid it. The cravings will go away.
  • emylou00
    emylou00 Posts: 11 Member
    I can't go a day without eating chocolate, I buy expensive chocolates and allow myself 2 every evening, more if I have the calories for it. I lost 25lb this way (before having my daughter and putting double that back on!) and so far I'm 5lb down on round #2!

    There's also alternatives that can help cravings for <100cals like light hot chocolate drinks, chocolate almond milk, chocolate protein fluff, light mousse yoghurts
  • srsrsrarah
    srsrsrarah Posts: 10 Member
    I think this is so normal. I often get bad sweet cravings directly after a meal. Sometimes I can get rid of them chewing really minty gum. Otherwise find "acceptable" treats, yoghurt and berries is a fav of mine as well. Or a few squares of dark chocolate.

    I think it's important to remember that most people feel like this and you are not a loser if you crack and eat something you shouldn't.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    So far great advice. Remember you want this diet to be livable. I was a candy addict and couldn't seem to quit. My way of working around it was Kool-aid drops in water and I allow myself 5 sugarfree hard candies a day. Slowly the sweets cravings stopped. I still indulge in my 5 sugarfree candies and I went to hard candy because it takes longer to eat. Anyway the beginning is always tough because you are trying to feel your way through what works for you. Take one day at a time. Personally chocolate is a red light food for me. I had a mini snickers bar at halloween and had to white knuckle it until my husband ate the rest of what was leftover so I stay away but I have my other treats. Good luck!
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    It comes down to willpower and making the right choices. You can fit those sweets into your goals, but you need to be able to stick to the goals and not eat more!
    I find also drinking lots of water helps pass those cravings too, especially if that day I can't fit whatever in.
  • misserin122
    misserin122 Posts: 106 Member
    Yes!! I feel like I could have written this myself. I'm 5'6" and have 50 lbs to lose as well. My sweet tooth is out of this world and I have trouble with cravings so often...especially after dinner. I've found that chewing on a piece of gum helps. You just really have to be strict with yourself. This is where willpower comes into play. It's hard at first, but as you break through that initial barrier, it'll become easier. Feel free to message/add me!