Dear annoying co-worker!

CorgiWaddles Posts: 81 Member
I have an annoying co-worker and I bet you do too!

Ever had a co-worker that ticks you off so bad on almost a daily basis that you sometimes fantasized about purge being real?


Tell them here!

* Write an open letter to them!

* Tell them how much their habits irritate you!
* Do they dictate you in every action you do?
* Do they call in and never get in trouble?
*Are they the bosses favorite and get away with EVERYTHING?
*Do they preach to you about something you don't care to hear about and still do it even though you've told them not to?


This is meant to be humorous and fun, give you a place to vent and relax.



  • CorgiWaddles
    CorgiWaddles Posts: 81 Member
    I am that guy everyone hates because I am perfect ;)

    Just kidding.

    My only problem is my brothers who microwave fish curry and stink up the whole break room. Sometimes I wish they would just F off to Tad's steak house around 2pm.

  • ellebronwyn89
    ellebronwyn89 Posts: 28 Member
    I work with many who enjoy discussing the personal lives of others in a nasty/derogatory way. Others just steal out of each others purses
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    edited January 2017
    My coworkers don't respect the office we have and I am often cleaning up after them like a mother. Milk spills, food on the walls and floor, doors left open. Heck I lost count on the amount of times people left the toaster over on and nearly causing a fire.

    and I've told them multiple times to clean their dishes/mugs/glasses/utensils and put it in the dishwasher and not the sink.....I clean the kitchen (sink, walls, countertop and coffee machine) if I don't it turns into a pigsty

    did I mention this is "part of my job" to maintain the cleanliness of the office. I'm a secretary...not a maid!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I love my co-workers, they give me no grief. PC, no? :wink:
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    My mouth is so big I wouldn't need to vent here. I admit to telling people off in the moment when they do their irritating thing. Can't say it has never landed me in trouble. So maybe I was always that annoying co-worker. LOL!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    sullus wrote: »
    Dear Annoying Coworker Who Complains Whenever I Microwave Fish,

    Go *kitten* yourself. I don't care. I don't care about your delicate nose. I don't care that you don't like how it smells, or that it "ruins your afternoon". I just don't care. Did you know that every time you complain, all it does is make me decide to bring fish again the next day?

    The guy who's gonna eat fish for lunch.

    :lol::lol: Wish I could be like that. I'm usually standing by the microwave with my salmon saying "I'm so sorry" to everyone

    I'm not a complete jerk about it. To people. IRL. Hence the passive-aggressive post here.

    I do try to do things to minimize impact like .. just BARELY get it warm enough to eat. I've eaten it cold when I just didnt want to deal with the argument today ... but as someone who has issues with iron that take a lot of protein sources off the table, fish is a big part of my life.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    You..... you know who you are.... the guy that has his lips permanently attached to the manager persons butt.... swinging from his sack... yes... you..... no one likes a kiss *kitten*
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    Dear Co-Worker,

    I would like to start by saying that I really admire both your creativity and your commitment to nonsense. When you failed to come into work and decided not to notify anyone about your absence you successfully confused and annoyed hundreds of potential visitors who found the Museum doors locked during busy weekend hours. Personally, I have never been able to inconvenience that many people in a single day! Well done you.

    Then, when you doubled down the following day by demanding that we put a procedure in place for times when you can't come into work so that you know what to do when emergencies arise because you were SO STRESSED about not coming in, you really made me rethink all life decisions which led me to become your supervisor. For the record, the policy is called "calling in sick" and while you are correct that i never gave you a signed written copy of that policy, I'm pretty sure you've heard of it before as indicated by your own implementation of "calling in sick" at least once per month for the past 3 years.

    I can't even convey to you the swell of emotions I felt the following week when you told me and the rest of the staff in our first meeting with the new Museum Director that "according to human resources it is at the discretion of each department head whether to institute a policy for 'calling in sick.'" Actually, I can convey it, it was a lot like nausea. Followed closely by awe for your continued defense of the no-call no-show lifestyle.

    Thank you, co-worker. Without your attention to detail I wouldn't be so inspired to put my time and effort towards updating my resume.

  • tryasimighty
    tryasimighty Posts: 131 Member
    Dear colleague (we have to address all emails this way, even if we are actual friends)

    I don't care what you think about my lunch choice. I do not care to hear your thoughts on eating carrots (*snigger... so hilariously phallic...*) I don't care that you 'don't have time for all that' implying all my free days are spent wandering round fresh markets looking for "healthy *kitten*" as I have nothing better to do, being a working single mum and all. I don't want to hear your views, especially "OMG WHAT are you eating today!" or "eeuurggg, what is THAT!" Peasants.
    Nearly as bad as the ones who throw used teabags in the sink with the cups!!! (We have a tea lady. She cleans up after us and makes the drinks. You don't need to touch a teabag. She doesn't put teabags in the sink NOR SHOULD YOU!) Ugh. ( I'm a teacher.)
    Thank you
    Miss Peeved. And satiated with a good diet.
  • astronaught
    astronaught Posts: 103 Member
    Dear Coworker,

    You don't have to claim to have every disease or allergy that we happen to be talking about at work. You certainly don't have phenylketonuria as you sit there drinking your diet coke and eating eggs at lunch. And I have never seen someone who is "deathly allergic" to chocolate eat as much chocolate as you do.

    I feel so petty!

  • SparkyJess3
    SparkyJess3 Posts: 625 Member
    Dear Annoying Co-worker,

    I silently die when you walk into my office every other morning. Your lack of hygiene is appalling, your sense of style for the significant position that you hold is atrocious and embarrassing for our agency. Please learn what shampoo, deodorant and an iron are. Also if you chew your stupid granola bar with your mouth open at my desk one more time I may scream!!!!
  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Posts: 1,342 Member
    Sadly I'm the boss and I'm not allowed actually give my employees this letter...but it's not going to stop me from writing them in my mind!
  • blk0110k
    blk0110k Posts: 39 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    I know you're making personal phone calls on the office phone for hours at a time. Just because it's in Spanish doesn't mean I'm stupid. Also slick move every time I walk by click off of Facebook and back onto a spreadsheet like I didn't know what you were already doing. Also thanks a bunch for complaining about never having any time to get things done resulting in my boss giving me more of your work to do. Maybe you would have more time if you got off Facebook yeah? I'm on MFP a lot, but at least I get my work done. I also hate that you get here late every day, take over an hour lunch anyways and nobody else seems to notice but me. Wtf.

    Do we have the same exact co-worker? Oh no, mine has bad BO and bad halitosis.
  • TheWidowJones
    TheWidowJones Posts: 29 Member
    Dear Women Colleagues,

    Please replace the toilet paper once the roll is used up. There are two stalls, and each stall has two rolls of tp. I'd like to add that I know which one of you it is. There are only three women who work on this project site, and I am one of them.

    I am bringing my own toilet paper from now on. You two can figure it out on your own.

    Also - to all my colleagues. HOW FREAKING HARD IS IT TO TAKE ONE MINUTE TO MAKE A FRESH POT OF COFFEE? Phew. Sorry for the capslock. I *just* went to get a cup of coffee and both carafes are empty. Again.

    Whoops! One more.

    To My Colleague Who Asks More Questions Than a Toddler:

    I am going to answer all your questions at once, since you are so interested. Yes, I go to the gym every morning. At 5am. Yes, it sucks to get up so early. Yes, I know you could never do it. Yes, I am eating an enormous salad for lunch again. Yes, I know you could never do it. Yes, I'm getting Thai food today. Yes, I can "have" it. No, I'm not off my food plan.

    Yes, the kids also eat what I do. Yes, of course they sometimes complain. No, I don't fix something different for them - they are teenagers and know where the kitchen is.

    I'm Not Your Mom

    Wow. That felt really good. Thanks! :-)