Need some encouragement!

I've been cal counting for almost 2 weeks now, and so far I've done ok with motivation. I just DO it, no second guessing, no thinking and dwelling. I just get out my measuring cups and do it.

Well I am having a hard day today thinking about counting cal's for ever. No leisure of grabbing a handful of chips at a party without counting them out for a serving, etc.

It seems like nothing will ever be easy again, I'll ALWAYS have the whole counting thing in the back of my mind. I guess I'm just having a rough day today, and I feel like I just want to pig out right now. I've been sipping water all day, but I think it's more of a mental thing, like I want to grab a bag of chips and just eat the whole thing.


  • RKA625
    RKA625 Posts: 151 Member
    I've been cal counting for almost 2 weeks now, and so far I've done ok with motivation. I just DO it, no second guessing, no thinking and dwelling. I just get out my measuring cups and do it.

    Well I am having a hard day today thinking about counting cal's for ever. No leisure of grabbing a handful of chips at a party without counting them out for a serving, etc.

    It seems like nothing will ever be easy again, I'll ALWAYS have the whole counting thing in the back of my mind. I guess I'm just having a rough day today, and I feel like I just want to pig out right now. I've been sipping water all day, but I think it's more of a mental thing, like I want to grab a bag of chips and just eat the whole thing.
  • livinwell
    Don't do it! You will fell even worse....keep pressing on:flowerforyou:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I felt that way too. Ive been doing this for almost a year and HATE counting calories... But I did it anyways... and you know what? After a year I now KNOW the amount I dont have to calculate every little thing... Now I find I do better if I just estimate. For example yesterday I had homemade pizza for breakfast, a little 6" one. I figured based on my knowledge that it was about 400cals the most. Then lunch I had a smoothie and once again guessed it at about 300cals, then for dinner had a veggie burger that I made at work (work in a restaurant) and guessed it the most to be about 600cals. That still left me with a few extra since I try to eat 1400 a day. So I had an apple and a few bites of some fresh cheese cake! This morning my weight went down again. (after to just see if i am accurate in my guessing, I do enter it, and I do come very very close. Usually just a little over)

    After a while you just get a hang of the right portions and learn what your body needs. I hope that made sense. But its really good to start by counting calories and just being aware. Now and then I grab a handful of chips. So what? Im not going to gain a pound from that! Now maybe if I ate a lot everyday!
  • RKA625
    RKA625 Posts: 151 Member
    ^Thanks, see that is the reassurance I need. It won't be this exact forever right?

    And even though I want to grab a bag of chips and eat them, I can't because all we have are blazin BBQ ones for DH, and they are WAY too hot for me. I tried a tiny piece of one and I almost choked. I'm a spice wimp, lol.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    It sounds cheesy, but you're starting your new lifestyle change... Just think, nothing tastes good enough to ruin the hard work that you've already done!!! It's okay to have a little bit of what you've been craving-I think that if you deprive yourself you'll end up over doing it later. The key is to indulge in moderation... *sigh* I hate those measuring cups, too, but I know that it's worth it in the long run.:smile:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Yeah, I was thinking that I dont want to count calories for the rest of my life just to be skinny! Im just taking it a step at a time and trying to learn the right portions for my body. All is working out well!!

  • windy44
    I use my fist as a guide for a serving and try to stick to stuff that is prepackaged to eat such as chips that helps me out a lot. I too will have to monitor my intake for the rest of my life but I also realize that I am more aware and honest with my calorie intake. You will slowly start thinking of the good foods that you can eat more of instead of the handful of chips.....just hang in there we all have days like this. When I feel this way I just get my headset on head out the door and take a walk listening to my favorite music. Hope it helps.
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    you wont be counting calories all your life. Think of it this way...we are trying to discipline ourselves. After sometime, it becomes second nature. Good luck!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    one way to get "OK" with counting calories is to look at it in a different light.....the light isn't "counting" it is being aware of what we are putting into our bodies...being aware is a good thing....we are doing ourselves a favor by being aware of the caloires because it makes us (at ,keast it makes me) more likely to put something healthy and the proper portion in my body

    our body deserves our respect and being aware of what we are doing to it shows that respect....

    or, just don't worry about and do is a good thing....good luck
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I'm with ya today! I just got done eating lunch, and I still want to eat more. :grumble: Sometimes when this happens, I can chew some gum and that helps. As for nothing being easy ever again, I think it will get easier. I've only been at this a few weeks, but I think as time goes on, you get get better at eye-balling your measurements. You'll know that by grabbing a handful of chips at a party that you have about 8 chips, even without specifically counting each one. Here's a link to a site that gives other measurement comparisons:
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Don't do it! Keep on keeping on! Eventually your head will be a like a little calorie counting computer! You'll know exactly how much a serving is without even having to think about it! Once you get to your goal weight, too, you'll be able to eat your maintenance calories (more than you eat now) PLUS your workout calories. Remember, this is a change to improve your life, not to make you stressed out. If you want a handful of chips and a beer from time to time and don't want to worry about it, just go for it. If you are worried about it, dance your booty for a bit and burn a few extra calories! You'll get there!
  • RKA625
    RKA625 Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks, you all are great. This is exactly what I needed. I think I might look on demand and see if there are any cal burning exercises I can do today. We have a big snow storm going on right now, which will turn to an ice storm later, so I doubt I'll be making my spin class.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    You really are inspiring; way to keep on keeping on!!! If you continue planning like you are right now, I know you'll reach your goals!!! Best of luck!:tongue: