Post baby weight!


I was using my fitness pal prior to my first pregnancy and it worked great! Then I got pregnant with my daughter and gained a lot of weight. Now after two kids, back at it and feeling determined. Wondering how other mothers manage exercise when you are already lacking in sleep!


  • sgingeri
    sgingeri Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, i am 3 months post baby number 2. Just starting to really try to lose those baby pounds. I'm exclusively BF so i am nervous about doing to much and affecting my supply (maybe i have nothing to worry about?). So far I've been able to fit in a 30min at home session at 9pm
  • tlmhiebert1985
    tlmhiebert1985 Posts: 32 Member
    I just had my second son 4 weeks ago and used this app before and throughout my pregnancy. I gained 25 lbs only but unfortunately I didn't lose much after having my son. Currently I've only lost 8.7 lbs in total and 6 of those in the last 11 days. I only resumed working out 2 days ago. I took a 4 week recovery period and am back at it. I work out when I get the chance and I am in the same boat as you with the lack of sleep. I force myself to do it. Only way for me to do it.