I need help!!!

Hi guys my name is nayeli , im 18, 5'7 and I weigh 185 lb . I started eating healthy and exercising 15 days ago , so far I've lost 7 pounds but now I feel like I've lost motivation to keep going, and I kind of got frustrated, Emotions also play a big part; I would always eat when I felt low, bored, stressed and bad about myself and lately I've had a binge eating,and even though I think about how much I'm going to regret it , i just keep going. I want to know what to do to keep back on track. help me please !!!!!
I would also like to make new friends that are active do that we can support each other.
Thank you !!!


  • JDixon852019
    JDixon852019 Posts: 312 Member
    Are you reaching your calorie budget or trying to go below it? Stick to the MFP recommendations. If you are at your limit and still hungry, eat raw veggies.

    You are going to loose a lot in the beginning then it slows down. 1-2lbs a week is the norm. Use a food scale to log accurately. Find new ways to cope. Drink more water and go on walks. Find one physical activity a week that you LOVE to do and schedule it. Motivation is over rated, consistency and dedication is what you need.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Remember, motivation comes and goes... dedication, discipline, and determination is what will get you through the low points and when you lack motivation.

    You need to decide that YOU ARE DOING THIS. Then do it. Every day. For the rest of your life.

    You won't be sorry. You will have the body you want to have, be a weight that you can feel confident at, feel healthy and strong... but only if you stick with your weight loss and fitness goals, and then when you reach your goal maintain it (which takes almost as much effort as weight loss). It takes effort- it might not always come naturally or feel easy- but what is the alternative? Wenight gain, poor health, feeling disappointed in yourself... that's no way to live, right?

    You've made a great start! But it won't mean anything if you give up now and gain it all back. Keep going.

    Also you might be losing motivation because after the initial weight loss that is drastic and fast (because it is mostly water coming off from eating less sodium), the weight loss slows down. And it feels less exciting when you start only losing 0.5 to 1 pound per week instead of every day- right? But it's actually better that way. Slow weight loss is true weight loss- meaning body fat loss. Quick weight loss is usually water weight or else it is muscle loss because you are eating too few calories. Make sure you go slow and steady for health and fat loss and sustainability.
  • simonecrane1994
    simonecrane1994 Posts: 14 Member
    I find that even though I have gone over by 100 or so calories when I check out, it always tells me that i'm still losing weight and that eases the regret a bit. I am the exact same though, so I have no tips for how to not eat the food, just how to not feel so bad about it afterwards. Keep going.