Need some serious motivation and support!

Rbarragato Posts: 15
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
I started my journey all over again two weeks ago. I lost 65 pounds about two years ago and gained it all back within a year.
I have a history of binge eating, but I've been SO good. When I do binge, I log it. I drink 3 liters of water daily and I'm trying to get myself to the gym at least 3 times a week. My first week I gained two pounds, but lost them within the next two days. I'm only down two pounds at this point. Last time I tried, I lost at least 7 pounds in a week!!
I'm so discouraged, especially since my doctor told me right before all of this that I needed to "see an endocrinologist about your (my) fat". I'm going to the endocrinologist to check my prolactin, testosterone and cortisol levels since I had abnormalities. I wanted to be down at least 5 pounds by now. I dont know what to do :(


  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    OK, first off - you're on the right track and doing a great job logging. Second, going to the endo to get checked if your doc said so is also a great idea and good on you to go!

    Now, you're being too hard on yourself. Last time you'd lost 7 pounds a week but YOU GAINED IT BACK in less than a year. This time, you're going more slowly which is frustrating, but you're in a much better position to keep it off this time.

    You CAN do this and don't stress yourself out about the scale. We all know it sucks anyway. Just keep going and you will stay on track!
  • amonts
    amonts Posts: 2 Member
    Don't give up!!!
    Keep logging, keep drinking water... but try walking a little bit during each day.
    Two girls and I walk 20 mins in the mornings and 20 minutes in the afternoons... just around the office.
    It helps so much!!
    GIve it a try!!
    And please dont give up!!!!
  • Remember to be gentle with yourself...especially if you have some abnormalities with your endocrinological system. Patience and compassion are great tools to use!
  • glonigan
    glonigan Posts: 82
    7 lbs in a week might be unrealistic. As you get older it will be harder to pull the weight off. Additionally if you are doing any sort of strength training that is new, you may be adding muscle which weighs more than fat. Eventually the body will start consuming the fat to maintain the muscle, or so the story goes. No matter how hard you train you cannot out train a poor diet. I subscribe to the 10% rule which is that you never change anything more than 10% at a time. This may mean adding 10% in my run lengths (weekly) or cutting 10% of calories, depending on my goal. Hope this helps :smile:
  • Just remember all the positive things - you took 65lbs off once, you can do it again!! And you are learning that the binge eating makes you feel crummy. One step at a time :)

    I know how you feel - I lost 13lbs in one month, then gained 2 back in water weight, and it took 3-4 weeks for that 2lbs of water weight to come off, no matter what I did. However, I did continue to lose inches. In 8 weeks I went from a size 18/20 pant to 16, and I have gone from a 1x to L shirt. The scale doesn't always tell the whole story.

    Be proud of yourself and stay strong, you can do this :)
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    One thing that I have learned from this site, is that if you make lifestyle changes and lose weight slowly, you're more likely to keep it off than if you do a crash diet. Losing weight is definitely a process, but if you stick with it, you'll see the results and feel better about yourself. Good luck on your journey!
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    I'm with you - I was very motivated and excited when I started this about a month ago. Loved that I could log in from my phone and such. I'm not much for excersizing, but I tried. I delayed my first weight in for a couple of weeks because I was retaining water after a particularly bad time of the month... anyway - I gained 2 lbs!!! I was really discouraged. I'm just going to keep plugging along and try not to get too down on myself when I stray. I know I feel better when I'm losing weight and I get to buy new clothes at the end of it. Hang in there. I'm going to try to!
  • I have to agree with what everyone has posted above! I ran into the same issue when I started P90X for the first time. The scale can sometimes be one of the biggest DE-motivators out there. Especially when you are going to the gym, you have to remember that you are most likely building muscle. It is uncommon to gain weight when working out, especially at the beginning. There is an old saying that "muscle weighs more than fat." We all know a pound is a pound is a pound, but what this means is that a pound of muscle takes up a LOT less space than a pound of fat. Muscle is also a HUGE calorie burner, so the more you keep going to the gym and building that muscle, the more calories your muscles will burn on their own, even when you're not working out, and THEN the weight will start to come off as well. Hope this helps! :)
  • Rbarragato
    Rbarragato Posts: 15
    Thanks everyone :)
    I do feel better about myself--I feel my clothes are fitting better and I feel a little "lighter", but I guess I just want to see it on the scale. I know I can do it again, and yeah, it might be the slow way this time, but it is definitely discouraging. I'm gonna keep on keepin on and see what happens :)
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    I completely agree with cmg - take it slow and easy, and make lifestyle changes instead of "go on a diet". That's what I am doing. In fact, I have never been able to take it off and keep it off nor have I been able to make real "lifestyle changes". For some reason, I am able to do that now. I made a radical change to my diet by going on an elimination diet - to try to improve my health (not weight as the primary focus). I am feeling better, so each day gets a little easier. Besides - I planned to only do it for 28-30 days and since that was so short term I KNEW I could do it! Now, it's getting easier, and it's becoming an easier to choose the good things for my body rather than the cravings or short term pleasures. :)

    I hate to bring up an old cliche, especially an eating one, but remember - you can eat an elephant "one bite at a time." Think of your journey to wellness that way - one little bite at a time. Good luck and I KNOW you can do it! I believe in you.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    You've made a great choice by joining MFP and getting healthy! Weight isn't gained all at once in a short period of time and it won't come of that way either. IT takes time and dedication. If you lsoe weight fast, it seems you put it back on. I view what most of us want to do as a life style change. You could cut out foods that are "fattening" and eat "only healthy and clean foods" but is taht going to work for the rest of your life. I know it won't for me, so I allow myself to "cheat" when I feelt eh urge (in moderation, aka small amounts) and I have found that I want to cheat less. Maybe because my body knows it can have the cheats it doesn't crave them as much or it's the brain/subconscious maybe!!
    It's a slow process no matter how you look at it.
    Another suggestion, take measurements, upper arms, upper thighs, waist, hips/butt, neck,... anywhere you want to lose weight. Many times the scale willg et stuck but your inches will be coming off!!!!!! I highly recommend measuring. I do it at the beginning of each month and I weigh in the same day and time each week (Friday a.m. right after my shower) Our weight fluctuates daily and probably hourly, especially being female! TOM and PMS can wreck havoc with our bodies.
    Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd love to offer encouragement when ever you feel you ned it and even when you feel you don't!!!!
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