Just found out I have high cholesterol... Oh and Hi

Hi, been on and off here over the years but just got diagnosed with high cholesterol. Would love to connect with any others keeping it in check or anyone to just keep me motivated and disciplined. I'm from London so happy to connect in real life


  • BartLewis1970
    BartLewis1970 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi There. My cholesterol is 260 and have been advised to diet and exercise. i have tried the meds last year on their own, didn't help. so i have been at this for about 5 weeks and going back for retest in 2 weeks. i will let you know how it is working. in the mean time watch what you eat and find a routine that suits you.
  • marianela2054
    marianela2054 Posts: 4 Member
    I was diagnosed as well at the age of 30. I knew my eating habits were poor but didn't realize how bad it was. I was instructed to take medications, did for a while, then stopped. Now i monitor eating habits more closely and cut fast food to a min.
  • derickad
    derickad Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing. I'm at like 259, but my ratio between LDH and HDL is really horrific. I'm focusing on just increasing my active state in the day. Trying to hit 9000 steps and 90 mins a day. On top of this i've started using a stationary cycle for like 20 mins a day. What kind of exercise do you do?