45 days in and PREGNANT again

So I am 45 days into logging with MFP and working out. Come to find out I am pregnant with baby number three (that will make it three under three lord help me) ... I want this pregnancy to be the healthiest it can and actually a fit pregnancy!

Does anyone have any suggestions on workouts or programs I can use while pregnant? I didn't workout with my last two so I don't know when to stop doing certain workouts... thanks everyone !


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Walking and swimming are my top 2 go to exercises for pregnancy. Walking is low impact and help overall for fitness and cardiovascular health. Swimming or prenatal swim classes will help with sciatic pain, is great for aches, etc.
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Oh you poor thing - I've been there ... a few times.. I have 5 kiddos all under the age of 6...so I know the feeling of trying to get down in weight then whamo. Sadly, I didn't succeed well at staying fit during my pregnancies, I totally allowed it to be an excuse, a cover up, for the added weight from eating too much and not exercising. If i can offer any "I wish I had" advice, I'd spend a bit of time reevaluating the goals of fitness and nutrition are... when you're in weight loss mode, it's all about eating less and exercising to the max. When you're prego, you have to shift to eating for health and exercising to stay mobile and limber - that's a hard mental shift, because I know you just want to walk out of these 9 months with only a few pounds to shed...for me, as soon as I realized I couldn't safely LOOSE weight, I bounced straight over to "well screw it then, I'll eat a bucket of ice cream each night..." Just still try to show some self control in the food department and move as much as possible (also helpful to get baby into right position for a safe, uneventful birth!
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Congrats! Talk to your OB/midwife to see what they recommend. If you were working out before getting pregnant you may be able to continue those exercises depending on what they are. I really only cut ab workouts and things where I bounced around too much (mainly dance) but was able to do everything else just fine until the end. Walking and yoga are always great. (They have specific workout DVDs/videos just for pregnant women - I found a few for $1-2 each at the local thrift stores) Mainly listen to your body and your medical provider. Good luck! :)
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    The general school of thought is anything you were doing before pregnancy you can do during, just modify as you get bigger. Walking, swimming, and yoga are generally considered safe. Old advice is to keep your heart rate under 140, but that's phasing out a bit and many are recommending the talk test instead. Consult with your care provider.
  • amjepson95
    amjepson95 Posts: 1 Member
    Just keep doing what you were doing. I ran throughout both of my pregnancies. Listen to your body, though. If it hurts, stop. Don't go as intensely if you were doing intense HIIT work or exercises before. You can do this!
  • HappyHope0123
    HappyHope0123 Posts: 101 Member
    So you've already been working out of 45 days? I'd keep going at the same exact level you are going (cleared by your OBGYN of course). Best of luck!