
I'm a female, 22, 5'5, and 122 lbs. I've noticed a drastic increase in cellulite on the back of my thighs and a little on the front too. Honestly, it's depressing.

Does anyone have any tips on diet, exercise, or even success stories on their battle with cellulite? I know it's common and natural, but I don't think I'll ever be confident enough to wear shorts again if it doesn't improve :(


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Massage helps a bit.
  • AngiesCookie
    AngiesCookie Posts: 74 Member
    google the Fascia Blaster. I don't have one, but am seriously considering getting one.. the before & after pics are interesting, plus I read a scientific study (Yes, a real one, published in a medical journal) about Fascia and the effect it has on creating the unpleasant lumpy cellulite look. Also watched a bunch of videos from Ashley Black who created the Fascia blaster..
    only thing that freaks me out a bit is how bruised up (surface bruises) some of those people get, but I figured, well.. I'm in Wisconsin and it's winter now so better time than any other!
  • Jessicaa776
    Jessicaa776 Posts: 11 Member
    google the Fascia Blaster. I don't have one, but am seriously considering getting one.. the before & after pics are interesting, plus I read a scientific study (Yes, a real one, published in a medical journal) about Fascia and the effect it has on creating the unpleasant lumpy cellulite look. Also watched a bunch of videos from Ashley Black who created the Fascia blaster..
    only thing that freaks me out a bit is how bruised up (surface bruises) some of those people get, but I figured, well.. I'm in Wisconsin and it's winter now so better time than any other!

    Wow! I've never heard of that until now. I just briefly googled it and it seems really popular. I'm definitely going to do more research and possibly even buy one soon. I'm in Michigan so it's certainly the perfect time of year to try it! Thank you so much! ♡
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited January 2017
    google the Fascia Blaster. I don't have one, but am seriously considering getting one.. the before & after pics are interesting, plus I read a scientific study (Yes, a real one, published in a medical journal) about Fascia and the effect it has on creating the unpleasant lumpy cellulite look. Also watched a bunch of videos from Ashley Black who created the Fascia blaster..
    only thing that freaks me out a bit is how bruised up (surface bruises) some of those people get, but I figured, well.. I'm in Wisconsin and it's winter now so better time than any other!

    Please don't. Making yourself swollen and bruised will reduce the cellulite appearance, that's until the swelling goes down... Don't get tricked into buying useless contraptions.

    I wonder if in a 100 years people would be sharing the ads to our current fads and laughing


    ETA: To OP, cellulite is normal. Most women have it. Reducing your body fat percentage may help a bit, but it's mostly genetic.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    lifting weights seemed to help me considerably
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Lifting weights and lowering my bf % has definitely helped mine... but it probably will never go away completely. I am bulking right now so it is temporarily extra awful, but after I cut I am hoping that putting on some muscle will reduce it more
  • linda212121
    linda212121 Posts: 144 Member
    Do coffee scrubs help
  • gatamadriz
    gatamadriz Posts: 68 Member
    All women have cellulite. How much and how early in life is usually genetics. What you can do it keep muscle tone by exercising regularly, tans, either by sun or chemicals help with Appearance, but doesn't solve it. Scrubs are said to help as is dry brushing. All of these can help. Bottom line? It's normal.
  • miz_crawfish
    miz_crawfish Posts: 6 Member
    I have been using a foam roller on my legs (outer hips) and I actually think it helps. If you read about the connective tissue (fascia) that cause the cellulite appearance it kinda makes sense.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Cellulite CANNOT be gotten rid of. They are cells in the body. And while you can temporarily INFLAME your dermis to reduce the look, it's not great for the organ.
    Don't let media and Hollywood influence you to do unnecessary things to your body. Actresses get cellulite too. They just have great airbrush editors for their magazine and picture shots.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Jessicaa776
    Jessicaa776 Posts: 11 Member

    Well.... I'll keep trying anyway o:)
  • Jessicaa776
    Jessicaa776 Posts: 11 Member
    Do coffee scrubs help

    I've been using a coffee scrub called "Frank" on my face for years, and just bought more to try on my legs!

    Even if it doesn't reduce the appearance of my cellulite, it smells amazing and makes my skin glow and soft. It's inexpensive; I recommend it just in general!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,863 Member
    weight lifting and lowering BF%, i went from a ton of cellulite to almost none 4 years ago when i started lifting weights and losing weight, now sadly its back, but im working hard to lose it again
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Photoshop! That's how all the models do it.. even they have cellulite if you catch an undoctored picture. Maybe not much and some may not have it yet, but many do. It's normal and I wish we could see more of it in those lovely ladies so we don't all feel we have to have perfectly smooth skin.
  • falica
    falica Posts: 13 Member
    Secon the frank body scrubs the original is the best and I use it on my whole body it's amazing until you run out and have to wait for more