Exercising at night



  • TheRoseRoss
    TheRoseRoss Posts: 112 Member
    With regard to morning versus night routines, it depends on you and your life. Personally, I work from 8am to 5pm. I pick up my daughter, go home, home work, dinner, and then get her to bed. After all of that, it didn't make sense to then take time away from my wife to go to the gym. Plus, my work outs were lackluster because I was emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. Working out first thing in the morning worked better for me because I was rested, focused, and everyone else was asleep so my working out didn't steal time away from them.

    I am an advocate of exercising. You don't want to lose "weight," you want to lose "fat." Preferably while building muscle. Yes, you can lose fat while building muscle. Some will say "you can only lose fat while burning more calories than you consume (caloric deficit), and you can only build muscle while consuming more calories than you burn (caloric surplus)." Building muscle comes from being in positive nitrogen balance, not "caloric surplus."

    I think it's more than "finding time to go to the gym." Find time to go there when you can work out with a purpose, as opposed to just being there going through the motions. It's not enough to just show up. Beyond that, it's a lot of trial and error to find what works for you with regard to your diet and nutrition. I wish I could throw numbers at you and say eat this much protein, fat, and carbs, but everyone is different.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Ok! A recommendation of some protein or dairy would be better...

    How many grams of protein are you currently consuming per day? Women tend to be low in protein.

    I have about 100 grams more or less a day but usually less. Is that enough?

    That is sufficient.
  • jonjaxmom
    jonjaxmom Posts: 77 Member
    My friends all think I'm crazy because I always go to the gym at night, after my kids are done with their sports and homework stuff. Anywhere from 7:45 to as late as 9:30 arrival. It doesn't bother me at all; I don't mind working out by myself. There are also less people in there to have to deal with later at night and it's the time of day that is ME time. When I do my cardio portion, I put on Netflix or Amazon and catch up with my favorite TV shows.