Here I Am! ... Again

Hi all!

So I don't normally post to the boards but I need somewhere to put this out there. I've used MFP so many time over the past 4 years and I've always gained back most of the weight because I get bored or I get stressed and think F*** this I'm doing/eating what I want and sell-sabotage.

This time, I gained back everything PLUS 5 extra pounds and I am beside myself.

I went from 265 to 223 in my most recent attempt, and I am now back up to 270!! That's just scary thinking I'm 30 pounds away from 300 pounds on a 5'3" frame.

So this time I need to stick to this. I need to do this for myself and my daughter.

Please feel free to add me I am looking for any accountability and sorry for the long post but so glad I got that out :)


  • mgmalek
    mgmalek Posts: 31 Member
    I've been up and down too. This time, I've put the scales away and am making my focus to get healthy and fit. So far so good because Im eating a lot of healthy food and enjoying the exercise. I've found the Community part of this really helpful! :)
  • sarahesingleton
    sarahesingleton Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I'll send you a friend request. Don't lose heart. This happens to so many of us, and forward movement is the only thing that matters. I'm short too ... almost 5'2" ... and have also just gained back a bunch of weight that I had lost over the holidays ... I don't know how much yet, but I am dreading the results. Anyway, I'm a supportive friend and hope we can help motivate each other. Here's to our success!
  • amgjb
    amgjb Posts: 79 Member
    We have all been there, not to worry. I'm working on my phone so can't figure out how to do a friend request but feel free to add me. I'm on day two so I'm practically a master at this :D
  • gkkorade
    gkkorade Posts: 6 Member
    Track your calories :)
    Make sure you consuming lesser calories and working out more, your calorie intake should be lesser than you burning out calories, and also have a good amount of protein, and no cheat diets during weekends, i lost 4.7 pounds in 10 days
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome back!!! and for Good!
    I find it helps to truly dig DEEP into WHY you want this. its not the scale... that's just one of the ways to tell the changes. WHY do you want this? to FEEL better? Ok then what changes when you lose 10 pounds, 20 pound, 50 pounds? Dream on how it will Feel. What can you do Different? What won't hold you back. Dig into it and Write It Down!!!! Then on the days when it doesn't feel Worth It (WE ALL have them) Read it, remember it! Know that YOU are Worth it!

    So much of our long term health is dependent on what we are doing. It can be hard to see that, but keep that in mind and it helps too.

    One day, one meal, one hour at a time sometimes.