Hey everyone new to FitnessPal in La

I have been over weight for the past 15 years.
I am 6 ft and 265.
Before that I was in a 32 pants size now I am in 40" waist pants. After getting married and being a manager I have over indulged in food. Ice cream and cokes my biggest problem!
I am committed to this program 100%
So far I have been beating my goals for loosing 2lbs a week. I started last Monday Morning.
And can't wait to starts seeing the results.
I will keep everyone updated.
Can't wait I am so excited.
Any tips please pass them on.


  • macm40
    macm40 Posts: 25 Member
    welcome to the site and wish you well. I'm around 250 and 38" pants. Time to make a change.
    Add me and anyone else please add me if you want. Together we can get this done.
  • LaRelicHunter
    LaRelicHunter Posts: 38 Member
    Great I need all the support I can get.
    Thanks John