First day today and I have a question...

Did 35 minutes on the elliptical and the machine itself said I burned 335 calories. When I logged it on here, it came up with 619 calories, but then said change the value if you used a machine that gave you the exact calories. Which is more accurate? I obviously like the 619 better, but want to be true.


  • I would go with what the machine said. Unless you forgot to input your weight on the machine, in which case I might use the higher value given by MFP.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    You should get a HRM to know really what the accuracy is. I found that MFP is WAY off, and the machine is also generally too high from what you actually burn. For now, I'd go with the machine, but keep in mind you may be a lot lower in the actual burn...
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    It is best to get a HRM (the most accurate way), but I would honestly go with what the machine says to give yourself a cushion. It is mostly like too low, but it keeps things more honest (IMO).
  • I did input it, but not until about three quarters of the way through...not sure if it adjusts for the entire workout or not. Average HR was 172...but who knows if that's even right. I guess I'll just go with the machine for now.
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I go with the what the macine tells you. I also do not always eat my excercise calories back. I may eat half but not all.
  • Kane68
    Kane68 Posts: 14 Member
    The MFP execise calorie calculator is bollocks and should be ignored. It's not even a ball park figure.
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    What does HRM stand for?
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    It is best to get a HRM (the most accurate way), but I would honestly go with what the machine says to give yourself a cushion. It is mostly like too low, but it keeps things more honest (IMO).

    x2 with BCA on that one - My HRM (and I've tried a few brands and types at this point) always shows differently then the machine (more) and less than MFP so I go with it always

    HRM stands for Heart Rate Monitor
    I'm a fan of the Polar brand - FT4 / FT7 - but the chest strap is better than the arm strap from what I've seen :)
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you

    Now can I ask how it works? Sorry for hi-jacking the thread!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Thank you

    Now can I ask how it works? Sorry for hi-jacking the thread!
    typically you wear a chest strap which monitors your heart rate and transmits it to the monitor you wear like a watch. The fancier you go (and the more you spend) the more features your HRM will have.

    ETA: DrewD2011 has good info in this thread:
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you :smile: