Starting Over and praying that this time I can do it!

Grisnv Posts: 43 Member
I truly hope that this time I can do it and I can stay motivated even if I don't see the results I want. It has been really hard and I can't keep leaving feeling like this. It's a torture thinking about my weight day in and day out and feeling guilty every time I eat. I just want to learn to love myself.


  • newbie3122
    newbie3122 Posts: 480 Member
    You can do it!
    'Each little moment you choose what's right over what's easy, faith over doubt [...]. That's when the change happens'
  • mnapanda
    mnapanda Posts: 7 Member
    I completely understand the losing motivation! When I don't see results as soon I want too I lose motivation very fast, plus I've struggled with developing an eating disorder before and now that I'm overweight it's super hard not to feel guilty every time I eat. But you can do it! I'm starting over again as well and the struggle to stay motivated is real and I have to constantly remind myself that it takes time and that food is fuel for my body! Add me as a friend if you want a support buddy! :)
  • kaparker0723
    kaparker0723 Posts: 1 Member
    Guilt is intended to imprison you. Consider choosing to forgive yourself for becoming overweight and accept that you are forgiven. Take one hour at a time. Figure out why you want to lose weight and let that be your motivation. You have the power to make good choices. Tell yourself that. Be encouraged.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    It's time to take control--that's the beauty of calorie counting (for me). Finally, I was the one in the drivers seat. After the first week, it hit me that I could do this. So, I hope the same for you. Plug your stats into MFP, get your calorie goal, buy a digital scale, weigh and measure everything you eat and drink, and try to stay within that goal everyday. Consistency is important, but if you do go over, just start again the next day. Try to move more. Walking is good at first. It will help with your mood, as well as other physical benefits.
  • RevengeBod2017
    RevengeBod2017 Posts: 13 Member
    Aw,you can do this!! We can take control over how we feel here! Feel free to add me as a friend!