is this heart rate monitor?

also does it calculate how many cals you are actually burning?

and last of all where can get one that is reasonable price that offers both features.



  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    is this heart rate monitor?

    also does it calculate how many cals you are actually burning?

    and last of all where can get one that is reasonable price that offers both features.

  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    Yes, HRM is Heart Rate Monitor.

    I have a Polar F6, I LOVE it to death. It has a watch, calorie count, a stop watch, keeps a record of workout stats, can tell you the percentage of your heartrate that you are using, Beats per minute as well.
    You wear a chest strap and it sends a signal to the watch you wear/put in your pocket, etc. So it keeps track of it all automatically. There are some out there that you have to push down a button or a combination of buttons on the watch in order for it to take your pulse.

    It tells me an accurate calorie count...which is EXTREMELY different than MFP's calorie count, often by several hundred ( off by as much as 400+) Its also more accurate than the machines at the gym I've noticed too.
    I have a lot of fun with it when I workout on like the elliptical...I will make a challenge for myself to see if I can burn X amount of calories in X minutes...or by the time I have 20 mins on machine, I want to be at XX amt of calories burned...its a great motivator.

    Mine was a gift, but I believe that it was around $90 at most sproting goods stores...I've heard you can get some great deals on Amazon and Ebay- so check those out when/if youre ready to purchase.

    I dont know of any other brands, so I cant comment on those. I did once have one I paid $15 for and it was worthless...( one of the ones that you have to hold down not one but two buttonsto get your pulse and I dont know about you, but I cant do that on an elliptical....:tongue: )
  • fishernd
    fishernd Posts: 140 Member
    I also have a Polar F6 that just came in the mail today. I've set it up but haven't used it yet (will tonight!). It is top of the line from what I hear, and has all the bells and whistles. I paid $109 off of Amazon but maybe the stores are cheaper.
  • lobita44
    lobita44 Posts: 66 Member
    I, also, have the F6...the standard price is $109, but I had a $20 off coupon for ****'s Sporting Goods that was in my Entertainment Book...I got even luckier because the store was having a sale...10% off all heart rate monitors.

    I :heart: my HRM! I love to see how many calories I've actually burned, especially when I have no other way to caluculate like when I'm doing an aerobics video. It keeps the history of your workouts, and will even give you a weekly summary (the lower levels do not do this). One more feature, that I have yet to try, is that you can download the info to the Polar website! When I find the time, I have to try this!

    Hope this helps!

  • greeneyedgirl829
    I just got a Polar F6 as well, so far I love it!! I got mine for $99 buy it now on ebay. Another cool feature about it is that it is coded, so there can't be interference from other HRM's

    Hope this helps!!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I bought my Freestyle hrm years ago, never used it once, until today (after changing the battery in Nov but still didn't use until today :blushing: ) my heart rate was high and it synched up with my stationary bike at the gym!:smile:
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I will def look into that that one sounds really good!!!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Look for one with a chest strap, I find that VERY handy, mine is the Sportsline or something like that from Walmart, $50.00
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    thanks everyone I just ordered it off amazon today so should get it next week sometime so for now I will use the calories off the website till then :)
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    So, now that I used my HRM today, I was pretty high in my numbers, what should I do with them thereafter? Never logged anything before...