Accurate Calories

Ive noticed a lot of the activities I do when I look them up on myfitnesspal it seems like it way over estimates the amount of calories burned. anybody sure of how accurate these numbers are!?


  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    they weren't even close to accurate for me. Getting a heart rate monitor is the only way I knew that MFP nearly doubles what I'm burning.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Well, it's different for each person, right? So MFP is kind of the average. If you want a more accurate number, invest in a good HRM with a calorie burning componant like the Polar FT4
  • rainbowbuggy
    rainbowbuggy Posts: 320
    Agreed with other posters. I have an Polar FT4. Best investment! :-) Check Amazon!
  • KaceeDawn
    KaceeDawn Posts: 15
    thank you both. i knew there was no way these numbers were accurate.... and what scares me is i have a friend on here that "makes up" for the calories burned and she isnt losing. she complained to me that she wasnt losing. I think that shes eating too much cause her burned numbers are inaccurate. I tried to talk to her about it but I feel like I couldnt say it the right way without being rude?
  • sm0113
    sm0113 Posts: 89 Member
    for me, they are actually pretty accurate. a lot of the time i find that MFP actually under estimates my calories burned, according to my HRM.
  • michellewilliams10
    michellewilliams10 Posts: 37 Member
    I've been using mfp for months now without the usual weight loss results that I've had in the past with a 1400 per day calorie controlled diet. I've put it down to eating back the calories which if they are overestimated would make sense. So I,ve stopped doing that now. I only eat back some of them now and we will see if I start losing again.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    It really varies. I find that MFP actually under estimates some of my exercise and then is right on the money with others.
  • sambustem
    sambustem Posts: 83
    It waaayyyy overestimated mine!! On here, it said I burned over 800 cals doing my Insanity (which I put as High Intensity Aerobics - which it is) and my HRM said 213. After getting over the EXTREME disappointment, I do believe that the HRM is prob correct!
  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    I need to use my husband's HRM now and figure out if what MFP tells me is acurate. UHG, I hope so, because I HATE wearing that thing!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    thank you both. i knew there was no way these numbers were accurate.... and what scares me is i have a friend on here that "makes up" for the calories burned and she isnt losing. she complained to me that she wasnt losing. I think that shes eating too much cause her burned numbers are inaccurate. I tried to talk to her about it but I feel like I couldnt say it the right way without being rude?
    So long as she is losing, it's probably fine for her. If she gets stuck, then you can suggest eating back fewer exercise calories.

    I'm still losing at a steady clip when I eat back my exercise calories, so I'll continue to trust MFP's estimates. :smile:
  • KaceeDawn
    KaceeDawn Posts: 15
    no like i said shes NOT losing. and she complains to me that she dont know whhy. i think thats why but i dont know how to tell her politely i think she should cut back