Not enough hours in the day to work out.

I've been trying to work out daily but it's just not happeninglike how I would like, school, work, and family makes it hard for me to have a little free time.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    I work full-time and go to university part-time. So I incorporate exercise throughout my day ...

    Walk as part of my commute.
    Walk at lunch.
    Climb a multitude of stairs during the day at work.
    Go for a quick walk right after work with my husband.

    And often, that's it.
  • julierobingarcia
    julierobingarcia Posts: 10 Member
    Yea that's all I can really. Just walk. I'm pretty much up from 5am and come home till 10pm but got to sleep at two cuz I have assignments. Swear I feel like I'm burning out.
  • igarcia13
    igarcia13 Posts: 59 Member
    Start slow, maybe try the 7 Minute app. I heard a nutritionist say that you can start with 5 minutes a day. Then slowly build on to that time. Eventually, your body will be used to that time for exercise and it will eventually become a part of your schedule. I took her advice and it kinda worked for me
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    Yea that's all I can really. Just walk. I'm pretty much up from 5am and come home till 10pm but got to sleep at two cuz I have assignments. Swear I feel like I'm burning out.

    Just walking is fine.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Sleep is more important than exercise-focus on getting as much as you can of that first. You can do little bits of exercise throughout the day when you have a spare moment like do squats while your food is cooking, take stairs instead of elevator and maybe try going up 2 steps at a time and with purpose, do push ups and sit ups right when you first get out of bed for just 1 minute, do 10 squats after you use the bathroom... it's not absolutely necessary to exercise but I feel better when I've used my muscles. Also remember to stretch every hour or so at work and during studying.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Also could you maybe take a lighter class load or get less work hours? You really will burn our only sleeping 3 hours per night. The body needs 8, and most people can get by on 6... but 3 is dangerously little.
  • julierobingarcia
    julierobingarcia Posts: 10 Member
    Kind of can't take lighter classes. I signed up to an BSN/ RN program for two years. And I kind of need my VN job to help pay off my loans. Weekends are my favorite though cuz that's when I can sleep. Lol
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Kind of can't take lighter classes. I signed up to an BSN/ RN program for two years. And I kind of need my VN job to help pay off my loans. Weekends are my favorite though cuz that's when I can sleep. Lol

    BSN in two years? I'm jealous. In BC Canada it's 4 years. Can you work more on the weekends and cut back your weekday hours less? I can't imagine only sleeping 3 hours. Zzzzz
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Reading your replies if they're factual, I don't think you should be even exercising at all. Your body needs sleep to recover from exercise and without sleep you will never recover properly so I'd say if you can walk to or from some of your classes and get some sleep you will be better off that stressing about trying to exercise. Watch what you eat like a hawk and get your studies done and get yo $$$$$ but if the school program is only a few years you can focus on exercising more later.

    Most posts about this are someone who works an 8 hour day, sleeps 8 hours a night, etc. I think it would be UNHEALTHY for you to sleep less to workout, which is what I did. I was able to sleep in until my husband was out of the shower, but now I get up at the same time and can fit in more exercise when I'm feeling energetic. Im never energetic after work though. Sometimes it just doesn't fit :/ I'd focus on intake and studies if I were you.
  • julierobingarcia
    julierobingarcia Posts: 10 Member
    Kind of can't take lighter classes. I signed up to an BSN/ RN program for two years. And I kind of need my VN job to help pay off my loans. Weekends are my favorite though cuz that's when I can sleep. Lol

    BSN in two years? I'm jealous. In BC Canada it's 4 years. Can you work more on the weekends and cut back your weekday hours less? I can't imagine only sleeping 3 hours. Zzzzz

  • julierobingarcia
    julierobingarcia Posts: 10 Member
    Well reason my BSN is 2 years is cuz I'm already VN and I would have had 3 years but the other year I had completed at a community college so now I have two years only
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    I've been trying to work out daily but it's just not happeninglike how I would like, school, work, and family makes it hard for me to have a little free time.
    You choose what's important for you to do. Exercise is for fitness and health and doesn't require a whole lotta time if you're just trying to maintain some strength and get your heart rate up. If you do the 7 minute workout at 100% effort, that's NOT a lot of time to give up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • AriaLace
    AriaLace Posts: 59 Member
    I felt the same. I started using davina mc call 7 minute fit DVD and it's amazing. So quick, progressing levels of difficulty (follow the trainer that suits your level) and it's over before you know it. If I have more time I'll do 2 or 3 together. On the weekends I add in a little bit extra too.

    But anyone can fit 7 minutes into their day. Getting up 10 minutes earlier or going to bed 10 minutes later isn't too much of a chore for me
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,085 Member
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    Reading your replies if they're factual, I don't think you should be even exercising at all. Your body needs sleep to recover from exercise and without sleep you will never recover properly so I'd say if you can walk to or from some of your classes and get some sleep you will be better off that stressing about trying to exercise. Watch what you eat like a hawk and get your studies done and get yo $$$$$ but if the school program is only a few years you can focus on exercising more later.

    Most posts about this are someone who works an 8 hour day, sleeps 8 hours a night, etc. I think it would be UNHEALTHY for you to sleep less to workout, which is what I did. I was able to sleep in until my husband was out of the shower, but now I get up at the same time and can fit in more exercise when I'm feeling energetic. Im never energetic after work though. Sometimes it just doesn't fit :/ I'd focus on intake and studies if I were you.

    I actually agree here. We all go through seasons. You might be on a 2-year crunch with school that makes regular exercise impossible. Don't let someone guilt you by saying "you choose what is important to you." You have set an education goal and you are on track, and you need rest to maintain your sanity - especially if you are on a calorie deficit from eating. Get that job you're working so hard for, then set some great weight lifting or gym goals. You don't have to "do it all" all at once.

    if you really wake up at 5am and get home at 10pm, then i think you have your answer. take a walk at lunch and "map my run" it for speed and inclines to see what kind of calories you burn. but if pressuring yourself to go to the gym at 4am is going to kill you (it would me), just take some deep breaths and focus on calorie counting. do some push-ups and sit ups at home while you catch up on the news or something. it'll be ok.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I'm another who thinks sleep is more important than exercise.

    But personally, I find exercise leads to better sleep, so I'd be looking to fit it in. Could you exercise while you study? On a stationary bike, just a pace/walk, or lifting some dumbbells? Could you run a couple flights of stairs periodically (eg every 15 minutes) while working on assignments?

    Could you mix family time with activity such that everyone gets more active with you?
  • julierobingarcia
    julierobingarcia Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks all of these really do seem like good advice. I shall give them try