Weigh in day

Just curious - when do most people weigh in .... weigh in at the beginning of the week or end of the week??


  • FernRunner
    FernRunner Posts: 79 Member
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,025 Member
    I weigh daily.
  • whiplashy
    whiplashy Posts: 52 Member
    Sunday morning for me. Helps me to stay focused over the weekend.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    Saturday. But it doesn't matter when, so long as you're consistent.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I weigh daily but that's because I like to track the fluctuations on an app. Before I started doing that I would weigh once a week.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited January 2017
    Everyday. It helps me stay focused and seeing all the fluctuations stops me from being to obsessed with the number. If I waited all week and then flukes on a high number day or worse yet did that twice in a row, I'd be tempted to throw in the towel. A weight trending app is helpful to see the direction your weight is moving in and at what rate.
  • lyndefisher
    lyndefisher Posts: 54 Member
    I weigh everyday but I record it once a week. I was curious as to when people actually record their weight. I am consistent by 'officially' record a once a week weight!
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    Still everyday so the app can average it out accurately
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    edited January 2017
    I weigh daily (and log in another program), but my "official" weigh-in day that gets logged here is Friday.
  • missmyzte
    missmyzte Posts: 4 Member
    I work with my trainer on Fridays at 6:00 AM so that's my official weekly weigh-in
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I weigh and sync with Happy Scale daily, but I record my weight on MFP every Sunday.
  • Ahanaz
    Ahanaz Posts: 353 Member
    I weigh in Wednesdays, but do measurements on Sundays. Just to stay on point and get happy surprises, or not so happy reminders to stay on track.
  • thelatecomer
    thelatecomer Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh in on Sundays. I find it helps keep me focussed on the weekends.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    Thursday morning, after oblutions, before breakfast.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    Every morning
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    Daily unless I forget, or eat or drink by mistake, or my wake up time is too far off (I have irregular hours). Use trendweight.com to derive meaning.

    If you chose to use a single day you should probably pick one where your chance for water retention is minimized. For most people that would be Wednesday or Friday morning as less likely to have eaten out the previous 2 days.
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 834 Member
    I weigh twice a week. Once on Monday, which is my 'official' weigh-in and once on Wednesday or Thursday, to check my progress and see if I need to loosen/tighten my logging. Every other Monday, I'll also check my measurements.
  • pageohana6
    pageohana6 Posts: 49 Member
    Daily in the AM. Then on Fridays I take my lowest weight for the week and log that here.