What Went Wrong

For the last few month I have been working out on a regular basis. The goal lose weight through cardio. I started off at 213. Mon-Fri every week I would ride a stationary bike 90 min and perform 200 sit-ups. I controlled my eating habits. Last week when I was weighed by the physician I was 218. To conform I stepped on a scale at home and gym afterwards. All said the same 218. How did this happen? What is going on?


  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    maybe you need to switch up your routine? your body may have gotten used to the bike and situps, and thus those exercises no longer burn as many calories! :o(
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I'd be curious to know how much you're eating a day. I find the reason I stop dropping weight is that I'm not eating enough.
  • artphrog
    artphrog Posts: 1
    You might have to increase your calories with protein. because youre working out, your body might me holding on to the calories. Increase your protien by 100 or 200 calories and see if that makes a difference.
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    ok, what my doc told me is that you build muscle first... which weighs more, but not to give up because the numbers would start going down. The next time I got on the scale I had lost those few pounds and was back to my starting weight. The following weigh in I had lost 3 pounds.
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    You could be logging your food intake inaccurately. It can be a challenge sometimes to estimate portions correctly.
    You could be eating all of your exercise calories, undoing the effect of your workouts.
    Your workouts may not be as intense as they need to be -- a heart rate monitor could tell you for sure how hard you are working out.
    You may have added significant muscle from your workouts.
    Did you take measurements? You may have lost inches rather than pounds this time.
  • rainbowbuggy
    rainbowbuggy Posts: 320
    Can you open your diary so we can see what your eating and stuff? Are you eating enough?
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Are you riding fast or slow or mixing it up?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Without seeing your diary I have no idea. Couple of things to ask:
    1) How much water are you drinking?
    2) What are your food sources (the less processed the better)?
    3) What's your sodium intake?
    4) Are you wearing a HRM? If not how are you estimating your calorie burn?
    5) How close are you coming on your intake, output?
    6) Has the waistband on your pants changed? What do your inches look like?

    I suggest that you alter your plan and add strength training alternately with your cardio. Don't worry about bulk and weight, you need to work those muscles to get the long burn. If you think about it in terms of a camp fire, cardio is pine . . . it burns hot and fast, and the burn ends quiclky. Strength training is like burning a maple or denser wood, it dosen't burn as hot, but it smolders longer . . . you need both.
  • c_hamm80
    c_hamm80 Posts: 11
    You are right I noticed this morning that a pair of pants I brought when I noticed I had gained excessive weight, they are now to big by 1 size. I am pretty sure after checking this that my britches did not grow. I opened up my diary to the public. Also I am riding fast I average 19mph throughout the ride. It only shows the last few days of course because I just discovered the app and site either last Thursday or Friday.
    1) How much water are you drinking?
    a)128 oz
    2) What are your food sources (the less processed the better)?
    This varies
    3) What's your sodium intake?
    According to the tracker it is below the taget amount
    4) Are you wearing a HRM? If not how are you estimating your calorie burn?
    The machines are tracking my heart rate and calories burning
    5) How close are you coming on your intake, output?
    My guess is not close. M diet is pretty much the same. Except if you view Saturday(birthday party):sad:
    6) Has the waistband on your pants changed? What do your inches look like?
    Two months ago I noticed that my clothes were snug, a 2 size jump
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    If your calorie counts are right, you are not eating nearly enough food. Your goal on non working days is 1720, you should be hitting at least that. I'm skeptical about the calorie burn you're showing, 2500 calorie burn or better is difficult to achieve. If you have some disposible income I would suggest investing in a good hrm with a chest strap (i like the Polars and while many seem happy with the FT4 I wouldn't suggest below the FT7, you can find it on amazon for around $100), this will give you a more accurate calorie count the count on machines tends to be very inaccurate. Eat back at least half your burnt calories, it's supposed to be all but that can be difficult, so at least half has become my norm. Seems counter intuitive, but you need fuel for that fire.