Staying on track with Depression

Looking for friends who also suffer from depression or SAD to help me stick with my daily plan. I hope to support you as well. This is hard to do alone sometimes. Thanks folks.


  • Malena2cool77
    Malena2cool77 Posts: 1 Member
    I suffer from depression and I'm trying to stay on task as well because cleaning up my nutrition is just as important to my physical health as it is for my mental health.
  • Havery2017
    Havery2017 Posts: 42 Member
    This app has certainly helped me to exercise daily and eat more balanced meals. Days like today though I am really struggling. It's nearly 6 pm and I am still in pajamas. My husband's job relocation has been tough. I did some yoga earlier though and I am reading a good book. Now to figure out dinner.
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    I have a really, really hard time and constantly feel like im holding on. Id love to connect wuth you.
  • Havery2017
    Havery2017 Posts: 42 Member
    Just added
  • Havery2017
    Havery2017 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks everyone
  • boothekm1
    boothekm1 Posts: 60 Member
    I currently suffer from depression. It is extremely hard to get moving most days whether going to work, going for a walk, getting a shower, etc. MFP has been a blessing. I am really focused on counting calories and exercising which has helped me tremendously...along with some meds from my doctor. Don't give up! Feel free to add me!
  • linda212121
    linda212121 Posts: 144 Member
    I have suffered along time with depression but it comes and goes thank god . Hang in there and feel free to add me
  • mevans7165
    mevans7165 Posts: 9 Member
    Currently dealing with anxiety & severe depression, it can be challenging to even decided what to eat, let alone keeping an eye on calories, etc. Feel free to add for mutual support & the offer to add is to all. P.S. I'm having a good day today, so good choices for their diary!
  • goldenday
    goldenday Posts: 204 Member
    I really struggle with this as well. I'm on my second day back at the gym and eating properly again after a bad episode that has eased slightly. Feel free to add. ;)
  • Rkrkrk63
    Rkrkrk63 Posts: 8 Member
    My depression is situational...2016 was a cruel year for me. But know how hard it is to find your motivation, for anything really. I've just gotten back on track & also looking for some buddies.
  • Havery2017
    Havery2017 Posts: 42 Member
    You folks are awesome!! I've been having a really tough week. Here it is Saturday afternoon and I am back in bed. I got up to eat breakfast and had a panic attack. I bought a nutra bullet pro earlier this week and I still haven't opened it. My depression is really kicking my *kitten* today.
  • goldenday
    goldenday Posts: 204 Member
    Havery2017 wrote: »
    You folks are awesome!! I've been having a really tough week. Here it is Saturday afternoon and I am back in bed. I got up to eat breakfast and had a panic attack. I bought a nutra bullet pro earlier this week and I still haven't opened it. My depression is really kicking my *kitten* today.

    Are you seeing a doctor/therapist and are you currently on any medication? Has the frequency of panic attacks increased recently?

    I've read somewhere that depression is just a way of our bodies telling us that we need deep rest and we can make it harder for ourselves when we think we should be doing XYZ, but your doing the best you can and that's good enough. Nothing more nothing less. Treat yourself as you would if you had a cold. Surround yourself with things that soothe and calm you down. Light a candle, wear soft pajamas, play your favourite songs, take a hot bath. I've been in bed for most of the day as well but that's okay.

    Do you also tend to eat more or less when your not well?
  • michelle2482
    michelle2482 Posts: 33 Member
    2016 was a cruel year for me too. Not looking to lose weight per se but looking to add structure and accountability to my days to help improve my mental health. Please add me!
  • Havery2017
    Havery2017 Posts: 42 Member
    For me it's seasonal depression. I do see both a psychologist and psychiatrist. My primary diagnosis is panic disorder with agoraphobia. My panic attacks have not increased and I am on meds. I'm not handling my set backs with exposure therapy very well. I feel very defeated and angry.
  • Havery2017
    Havery2017 Posts: 42 Member
    I will definitely add you Michelle