27 years and working on a healthier me looking for friends

Looking for friends with common goals. I am 27 years old and working on a healthier me! I am not over weight but I have lost 13 lbs and I'm enjoying getting healthier by regular exercise and bettering my eating habits. :)


  • Phantom1717
    Phantom1717 Posts: 18 Member
    You can add me
  • RosyTea
    RosyTea Posts: 49 Member
    Hey! I'm 24 (soon to be 25). I've been on my health and fitness journey since October 2016 and would love to friend you and anyone else looking for support and encouragement! :)
  • Viking_Batman
    Viking_Batman Posts: 114 Member
    I am 29 1/2 haha, feel free to add me, I like to encourage my MyFitnessCHAMPS