Keep it simple, one week challenge

amgjb Posts: 79 Member

Just getting started again so don't want to go crazy but it going to get boring next week without some fun and accountability.

So..... quick challenge

What you going to achieve next week? Simple :)

I'm going to
1) stick to 1200-1600 on healthy foods only
2) Go for a run Run, twice, minimum 3k each.

What you going for?


  • trinityann8423
    trinityann8423 Posts: 20 Member
    I just reduced my calories to 1,200 also to up weight loss, in the next week,by next Saturday, I hope to lose 2 lbs (5'6 161 lbs currently), cardio 30 min 5 days and circuit (including squats,reverse lunges,etc) 3 days
  • amgjb
    amgjb Posts: 79 Member
    1200 is my minimum I'll be up at the 1600 more days than not.
  • I am going to log more food and exercise into my Fitness pal. Keeping track is better than not keeping track
  • helent954
    helent954 Posts: 3 Member
    Just getting started with my weight loss and after having two children am determined to get my fitness back. This week I'm going to start the NHS Couch to 5k. Bring it on!
  • Just_Kisha
    Just_Kisha Posts: 189 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am trying to cut out added sugar. I started yesterday and I am doing well today. I eat a lot of fruit but I'm willing to accept that sugar.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Last week I lowered my calories (was in maintenance for a bit) to lose some fluff. Next week my goal is to eat at or under 1683 and hit the gym 5 days a week. The gym part is easy for me. The food part is my nemesis.
  • Just_Kisha
    Just_Kisha Posts: 189 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good morning all....I know I just made a post last night but I usually post in the morning before I get out of bed. So Friday I weighed 160.9 and this morning I weigh 158.6. No major exercising just cutting back sugar. I noticed that it's hard to get my 1250 calories without my sweets so I need to work on that. Is this a daily post since it's just a week long challenge?
  • catzpyjamaz
    catzpyjamaz Posts: 47 Member
    Sounds great. I'm in! I am going to log daily, keep under 1600 and go to the gym 4 times this week. Walk on the other days.
  • B1ackJesus21
    B1ackJesus21 Posts: 6 Member
    This sounds kind of fun. I have PCOS and just started on gluten and dairy free. My goals for the next week are to stick to that and log more exercise in the app daily.
    Good luck everyone :)
  • catzpyjamaz
    catzpyjamaz Posts: 47 Member
    OK. Day one and 2 of the challenge going great. Roll on days 3-7!