Eat right and exercise

Daz_3000 Posts: 5 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I've had a few year of lack of exercise and drinking a few nights a week meaning between the ages of 27-33 (now) i have put on 5 stone in that time. Weighing 17stone 4lbs on new years day was the final straw, it didn't help that I put on over a stone since last july due to rupturing my achilles tendon playing football. Since the start of the year i have been using this app to track my calories and log my running and i believe that having these apps do help massively. Eating right and going for a run most mornings and the odd evening has helped me lose 8lbs in 21 days (I had a trip to london then Wolverhampton from the 10th till the 15th where the fitness went out the window as well) so i believe i'm making the right steps in achieving my goal of getting to 15 stone by the end of the year. It won't be easy but cutting out cans of lager, crisps, chocolate during the week and replacing it with water, fruit, cucumber & healthy snacks has made me feel a lot better as well. I hope I can keep this up as i want to lose the beer belly and start feeling good about myself again. I hope each and every one of you who read this achieve your fitness goals as well. Leave a comment of positivity and feel free to add me if you wish.


  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You will do it just never give up
    If you have a bad week, just write it off and keep going
    Good luck
  • Daz_3000
    Daz_3000 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, i'm still having my cheat day on saturdays because if i didn't i'd go insane haha.

    Hope you achieve ypur goals
  • ajwcyclist2016
    ajwcyclist2016 Posts: 161 Member
    Sounds like you're doing things along the right track
  • Zarka_91
    Zarka_91 Posts: 99 Member
    Well done on starting your Journey. your definitely on the right page and congrats on losing those 8lbs this month . you can do it ! good luck .. p.s hope you enjoy your cheat day today, you definitely deserve it.
  • Daz_3000
    Daz_3000 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, i've really enjoyed my cheat day. It's been great. Thank you for your kind words xx