General diet and weight loss tips

I am a 48 year old female who in 2014, was diagnosed with breast cancer. I went through treatment meaning did chemo, surgery,and radiation treatments. I at present time am cancer free. I am on tamoxifen that I take once a day. Would like some motivational support, tips on changing my eating habits to a more plant base eating style, loosing weight and making healthier eating choices. I am friendly and outgoing. I look forward in meeting people, and motivating each other to loose weight and reclaim our life. I am new to this site, and just became a member. Any recommendations to using this site so that I can get the most out of it. Thank you in advance. Rosebud


  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    First things first, Welcome! One of the things I was told when I first started was for me, the weight didn't come on overnight and it wasn't going to come off overnight. I found it helps to have a big goal in mind and then also make smaller, mini goals. Having the mini goals has helped it not feel as daunting.
  • Rosebud048
    Rosebud048 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you ptsmiles. I have said the same thing, that it is gonna take some time because the weight didn't come overnight and that I need to be patient because it will take time. I will definitely make mini goals for myself. That way I won't become overwhelmed by it. I do have a final goal where I want to be a year from now. Thank you for your suggestion. I will keep you updated on my progress. Take care and best of luck on your weight loss journey. Rosebud
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Much love and congratulations on your victory over cancer. It took my mom in 2008.
    Recommendation? Log faithfully and accurately. The food database is extensive so it will make things much easier knowing what you put in your body.
  • Rosebud048
    Rosebud048 Posts: 3 Member
    2011 rocket3touring. Thank you. I am sorry to hear about your mom. It is hard to loose your parents. Much love and support back to you. I hope you have plenty of good memories to remember your mom by and remember she is always with you. I am thankful everyday for a second chance to live because not everyone is as lucky as I am. I will definitely take your advice. Thank you again for the reccomendation. Rosebud
  • GinnyScott
    GinnyScott Posts: 5 Member
    I have Stage IV Breast Cancer and am currently having radiation and chemotherapy (after my initial 6-cycle chemo and surgery). I've been faithfully logging daily everything that goes in my mouth since I was diagnosed in June, 2016. Today I upgraded MFP to Premium so I can track all the nutrients in more detail. I've lost 40 pounds in 7 months. It was easy when I was going thru the harshest initial chemotherapy because of the side effects I lost my appetite. Now I'm feeling strong and (actually) better than I felt before diagnosed!! Learning that I had cancer was a wake up call to the importance of diet and exercise. I was eating all the wrong things and very sedentary before and I attribute feeling so good now to changing that. Currently I'm trying to maintain my weight while I am on radiation - 6 more treatments to go. Found out it's more difficult to maintain than it is to lose or gain.