Looking for a weightloss buddy around 250-300 lbs!

ElizabethGenao Posts: 3 Member
edited January 2017 in Getting Started
I would love to have someone to share this journey with! Motivate eachother to keep going! I wouldnt even mind making a group! Please contact me if you are as desperate about losing weight! Thank you and have a great day!


  • LorenzoDaGREAT
    LorenzoDaGREAT Posts: 17 Member
    Well I'm between that weight, you can add me if you like
  • FindingLiz0313
    FindingLiz0313 Posts: 29 Member
    I started at 289 and currently 244. 5 lol hope that's okay to send you a request :)
  • Kelley0519
    Kelley0519 Posts: 254 Member
    This my second time using MFP. In 2011, I started at 273 lbs, but I lost 83 lbs and weighed 190 lbs. Sadly, I gained most of my weight back so here I am starting all over again. I'm currently at 264 lbs. I choose to look at the positive side, at least I know what to do to lose weight! Feel free to add me! :smiley:
  • SkinnyAtLast
    SkinnyAtLast Posts: 5 Member
    Yep lost 30 about 2 years ago and gained it back with some life stressors... a bankruptcy, foreclosure and daughter who became I'll suddenly. Thankful that some pounds is all I gained. My daughter is doing great and I survived the other things and starting over is a great adventure. Count me in! :)
  • jacobhillman
    jacobhillman Posts: 39 Member
    I'm at 317 right now, started at 324. I'll add ya.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am 7 weeks in, now at around 245lb from 255lb looking to lose around another 30 initially and review from there, feel free to add me or join my weigh-in group which has a weekly thread for weighing in and threads for sharing your strategies and tips for food and exercise. Good luck folks

  • haro9335
    haro9335 Posts: 11 Member
    Started at 319, I am now at 286. Yall can add me for motivation and support.
  • abcmommyx3
    abcmommyx3 Posts: 123 Member
    I started at 286 I'm now at 226 feel free to add me :) I need motivation as well
  • imlindaheart
    imlindaheart Posts: 22 Member
    I started with 127 kg (280 lbs) on Jan 1st, now I'm at 122 (269 lbs) and my goal is to reach 79 kg (174 lbs) in 2 years. Hopefully this is a realistic enough goal. Everyone with similar weight and goals please add me too.
  • timjmartin23
    timjmartin23 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm on a long journey - 305lb now, I am going to lose another 100 lbs this year, already lost 24lbs since I started with a PT in mid November & using Apple Watch

    If I can share what I've found, denying yourself food or foods doesn't work - eat clean, unprocessed food for your main diet & moderation on the rest - stay in your MFP target & log everything - even if it puts you over!

    Exercise is everything & don't shy from the weights as well as cardio - it accelerates your base metabolism rate & really helps.

    Try not to "lose 100 lbs ... rather, lose 1lb but 100 times" ... don't know why but that makes me feel better

    Add if you wish... I don't ramble on quite as much but do log every day!

  • Can you add me?
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,757 Member
    This is my 2nd time on mfp, I've been struggling with my weight for many years, up and down. Wen I hit 300, I was devistated, wen I got on the scale Jan 8th and saw 314, I knew something had to be dne. It was time to get real serious.
    I was 296, last spring, working n it then, but wen I suddenly lost my 21 yr. Son, I found myself gaining again. And I wasn't going to keep going.
    I started on here again on the 9th. Down to 304.
    I sure can use any support buddies. And would happy to be yours. Let's do this.
  • fightingweight155
    fightingweight155 Posts: 90 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have 100+ pounds to lose. I feel this will be a good year.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    My starting weight was 254. That was 85 days ago. If 226 isn't too thin to still count, you can add me! (I've still got at least 86 to go.)
  • ShelleyL47
    ShelleyL47 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I would love to be a buddy. I am not sure how to friend you, New to the app. I am just starting and weigh 245 lbs. Really would love to share the journey with someone, hoping it will help challenge me and keep me motivated. Looking to lose 100 lbs
  • Pondarosa
    Pondarosa Posts: 12 Member
    Add me in, I started last year and lost 30lbs total, and 11in off my waist. Unfortunately I gained it all back with life stressors
  • nehakewl
    nehakewl Posts: 6 Member
    I am 110 kg.. add me friends
  • mcasillas022286
    mcasillas022286 Posts: 3 Member
    Im 235 just had my third baby 6 months ago and I want to loose mythos weight I have put on over the last 8 years since my first was born. I sent a friend request
  • janica_233
    janica_233 Posts: 23 Member
    Add me if you like. I have about 90 pounds to lose