Back again after baby #3

Hello all! I'm back at it again. I came here before (a few years ago) stayed for a year and lost over 100 pounds. Also kept it off for years. I loved the experience, the support, the tools, the friends. However, I lost my password and don't use my old email so I made my new handle very close to my old one.
I'm back because after a miscarriage, a couple injuries and a high risk pregnancy in the last year ... man have I packed on the ponds! I always do when I am pregnant. So after I had my baby, I put in my big girl pants. He's almost 6 weeks old now. I get cleared by my doc this coming week.... so here I am. I've been on here a week keeping track of my food. Now I'm down a few pounds already, and looking for friends for the ride.

A bit about me. I've worked in nursing for a decade, worked in business for longer, and now own my own business selling my art, pottery, cloths, jewelry, ect. I'm a married, mom of 3 boys. I just moved to a burb outside Indianapolis. Most prominently I'm very sarcastic, love music, humor, and am pretty verbose.
Anyone else New and looking for friends? Go ahead and add me! Id love to meet some new people!


  • lyahya
    lyahya Posts: 3 Member
    What! We've gotta be friends! I am new to Indy (6 months) from Northern Indiana. My goal is to los 100 pounds. I also have three kids - but mine are older 18, 13, 11 - two girls and a boy.

    I am an Office Manager. I worked as a phlebotomist years ago and could not run from the medical field fast enough! I crochet, and I am pretty good at it - but I don't sell as much as I could.

    Oh how I could use the motivation and support... I am gonna send you a request.
  • doingit4mykids6812
    doingit4mykids6812 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I'm a stay at home mom of 4. My youngest is 1 and my oldest is 11. I have about 100 lbs I need to lose and would love to have some other mama friends to go along this journey with me. We're not too far from each other, I'm in Cincinnati :) I'm new to this so I'm not sure how to add people but would like to be friends :)
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm adding you guys too! Back after baby and 40 pounds. I've used mfp previously with good results back to do it all over again!