Was steadily losing now I'm gaining?

okay I've only been at this for about 2 weeks now and I was losing pretty steadily about 6lbs in all. I've been trying the low carb thing (trying to be between 80 and 150) and it seemed to work okay, I admit ive had a couple bad days but ive never gone over on my calories. I've been exercising for at least 45 min a day cardio wise and I'm planning on incorporating some strength soon. This week really stumped me though. I gained a pound and seem to be slowly gaining! I didn't think I'd plateu this fast? Does anyone have any suggestions please? I really don't want to go back to the way it was before I started this...


  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    will you open your diary so we can take a look at the types of foods you're eating and how much (or how little)?
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Are you drinking enough water / consuming too much salt?
    Are you approaching TOM? Most women gain a few #s before or during TOM.
  • LondonLad
    LondonLad Posts: 31
    Keep your cabs below 60 and see the weight loss take off
  • crestchick82
    Okay how do I do that? I'm completely new to this lol
  • crestchick82
    Are you drinking enough water / consuming too much salt?
    Are you approaching TOM? Most women gain a few #s before or during TOM.

    I drink about 11 cups a day and I have a good week or two before my TOM
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    Go to Home/Settings/Diary Settings. Near the bottom of the Diary Settings page, click on Public and then save.
  • carlynishere
    carlynishere Posts: 330 Member
    When I did low carb, I tried to keep it to around 20-40 carbs a day. This is just me though, as each person is different.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    When I started weight training w/ handweights (30 Day Shred) I gained 2 pounds...as soon as I stopped for a day or two, I would go down 4 pounds. Then I start back up and I would slowly creep back up those 2 pounds. I didn't do the routine this saturday/sunday (and ate horribly on Fri/Sat) and I lost 4 pounds again.

    I figure I will put back on my two 'routine' pounds after re-starting the exercise tonight.

    I know everyone is different, but don't stop just because you put on a couple of pounds...could be muscle mass, swollen muscles, water retention, etc. I have only been doing it for 19 days, and the two breaks I took verified that it will come back off extremely quickly.
  • LondonLad
    LondonLad Posts: 31
    Cut out, bread, rice, pasta, root vegtables and all fruit except berries and obviously junk food.

    Between 40 & 60 will kick start the weight loss.

    There are lots of sites showing the carb content of food
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    1) 2 weeks of loss isn't "steady"
    2) 1 week fo gain isn't a plateau
    3) you've still lost 5 lbs in 2-3 weeks? You're doing well.
    4) I'd give it another week before changing anything. the 1 lb could be a fluctuation. It could be temporary.

    That all said, if you do find that you are truly gaining ... are you eating enough? You say you never go over, does that mean you're ALWAYS under 1200 net? If so, that could be the problem.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    First thing I noticed is that you don't eat breakfast very often - not doing so is like asking your car to get you to work w/out putting any fuel into it. That first meal is what starts your metabolism running and you are waiting until half the day is over to do that.
  • crestchick82
    When I did low carb, I tried to keep it to around 20-40 carbs a day. This is just me though, as each person is different.

    I was going to eventually work down to 100 carbs. I didnt want to go lower than that because I did some research and found about 100 is a healthy amount and I figured I'd start slow to make it more of a lifestyle change.
  • northstar699
    northstar699 Posts: 99 Member
    Are you drinking enough water / consuming too much salt?
    Are you approaching TOM? Most women gain a few #s before or during TOM.

    I drink about 11 cups a day and I have a good week or two before my TOM

    I gain my TOM water weight about a week before I actually start. Could easily just be water weight!
  • Carie1972
    Carie1972 Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe you're building muscle from the cardio? Muscle weighs more than fat. I've been told to go by the fit of my clothes more than the number on the scale. While I know that's the best thing to do, it sure is frustrating - if I work hard, I deserve to see it reflected on the scale! ha ha
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member

    That all said, if you do find that you are truly gaining ... are you eating enough? You say you never go over, does that mean you're ALWAYS under 1200 net? If so, that could be the problem.

    I noticed this ... there are several days where there are a good 600+ calories left at the end of the day. While it may seem counter productive, you have to eat to lose weight. While there are often disagreements on here about eating back exercise calories, you wanted ideas. Try eating them back and see what happens. If it doesn't help, you can stop. When I don't eat mine, I gain.
  • crestchick82
    First thing I noticed is that you don't eat breakfast very often - not doing so is like asking your car to get you to work w/out putting any fuel into it. That first meal is what starts your metabolism running and you are waiting until half the day is over to do that.

    I eat as soon as I get up lol I'm a teenager so I sleep in alot so my breakfast is my lunch. That's why I don't put it under breakfast
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Cut out, bread, rice, pasta, root vegtables and all fruit except berries and obviously junk food.

    Between 40 & 60 will kick start the weight loss.

    There are lots of sites showing the carb content of food

    Curious about the 'root vegetable' comment? What types, and why? I really am interested.
  • crestchick82
    Thanks for the support and the suggestions everyone. I know it don't seem like much gain but that number going up on the scale kinda scares me. I'll give it a couple of weeks and lower my carb intake and eat more calories then see what happens.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    First thing I noticed is that you don't eat breakfast very often - not doing so is like asking your car to get you to work w/out putting any fuel into it. That first meal is what starts your metabolism running and you are waiting until half the day is over to do that.

    I eat as soon as I get up lol I'm a teenager so I sleep in alot so my breakfast is my lunch. That's why I don't put it under breakfast

    Hmmm .. I have one of those (a teenager ... and a 'pre-teen') at home. LOL ... OK, so then let me ask you this ... are you getting enough sleep? That is actually a big key to weight loss. You may want to consider making sure that you get to bed early so you can start your day earlier ... with an earlier start to firing up your metabolism? I know ... I sound like a mom LOL ...
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    If you lost weight by eating low/no carbs and you eat a regular amount of carbs, then you will gain those pounds back, even if your calories are normal. The huge weight loss you get at the beginning of low-carb eating is water (I read somebody write that there is a lot of water in carbs recently--not it--but your body holds on to a certain amount of water with every unit of glycogen in your muscles. Low-carb eating makes you dump that glycogen, and therefore all the water with it. If you eat carbs again, the muscles go "Thank god, we can have glycogen again!" and it gets stored, along with the water. I think it's three grams water to every gram of glycogen, but don't nec. quote me on that.). So you can either stay strictly low-carb, or eat healthy normal food and accept slightly slower but permanent weight loss.