Help, I can't overcome the sweets cravings!



  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    There are other things you could try channeling your sweet tooth into, like blueberries. I buy a big bag of frozen wild blueberries and they can pack a sweet punch when you add them to smoothies, yogurt, or oatmeal. Serving size is marked as 1 cup on the bag but I only ever can handle a half cup.

    Bonus, blueberries are said to have the highest concentration of antioxidants of any fruit or vegetable.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited January 2017
    cessi0909 wrote: »
    I had the same issue, I was eating remarkable amounts of sweets and telling myself it was not my fault, it is so hard to break sugar, it is addictive, etc. Then I stopped telling myself that and started telling myself it was an excuse. I was giving myself permission to eat that way and to feel like crap for it instead of owning up to my own wellbeing and placing blame.

    I went cold turkey off sugar for 2 weeks and now will tell myself I am in control of what I eat. Sugar does not make me addicted, I can have one piece of chocolate and stop, this is in my head. Two days ago I had a Hersey's kiss. Just one. I was fine. I am still fine.

    This is similar to strategies I've employed. I'm big on analyzing my behavior and using self talk. I even keep notes to myself on our refrigerator!

    I also quit sugar for a time to sort of draw a line in the sand and limit my access to things I have difficulty moderating. I also found substitutes that mitigated the "damage" to give me a sweet fix like herbal teas, diet hot cocoa, and fruit.
  • kpeed521
    kpeed521 Posts: 2 Member
    I love sweets as well and am a big fan of icecream and milkshakes. I have been "indulging" in milkshakes a few times a week by using a cup of unsweetened almond milk, half a pint of chocolate Arctic Zero ice cream and 2 tablespoons of PB2. This all logs in around 150 calories and gives me a nice thick chocolate peanut butter shake that fills me up! I also will add chia and flax seeds sometimes which bumps it to 200. Great dessert that fills me up AND satisfies the sweet tooth craving!
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    I keep boxes of Trader Joes dark chocolate mini bars in my pantry. Every night I get to have one, no matter what. They are 100 calories each. There is no way I could completely cut sweets out of my life. I also have Dreyers slow churned ice cream in my freezer. 1/2 cup is 110 calories. Sometimes I have that when the sugar cravings are not for chocolate. I will have that instead. Trader Joes low fat chocolate cat cookies are 110 calories for 15 cookies. Sometimes I will have that with my tea at night. As long as I can fit it in my daily calories, all is good. I do not buy the high calorie sweets that I used to buy so that I am not tempted, but always have something sweet on hand. Cutting back on sugar has definitely decreased the cravings for me though.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I keep boxes of Trader Joes dark chocolate mini bars in my pantry. Every night I get to have one, no matter what. They are 100 calories each. There is no way I could completely cut sweets out of my life. I also have Dreyers slow churned ice cream in my freezer. 1/2 cup is 110 calories. Sometimes I have that when the sugar cravings are not for chocolate. I will have that instead. Trader Joes low fat chocolate cat cookies are 110 calories for 15 cookies. Sometimes I will have that with my tea at night. As long as I can fit it in my daily calories, all is good. I do not buy the high calorie sweets that I used to buy so that I am not tempted, but always have something sweet on hand. Cutting back on sugar has definitely decreased the cravings for me though.

    There are so many bite sized chocolates out there! I like the Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Caramel wedges. There are the Ghiradelli Squares too. Lately I've been eating 2-3 almond M&M's at a time as well.
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    I keep boxes of Trader Joes dark chocolate mini bars in my pantry. Every night I get to have one, no matter what. They are 100 calories each. There is no way I could completely cut sweets out of my life. I also have Dreyers slow churned ice cream in my freezer. 1/2 cup is 110 calories. Sometimes I have that when the sugar cravings are not for chocolate. I will have that instead. Trader Joes low fat chocolate cat cookies are 110 calories for 15 cookies. Sometimes I will have that with my tea at night. As long as I can fit it in my daily calories, all is good. I do not buy the high calorie sweets that I used to buy so that I am not tempted, but always have something sweet on hand. Cutting back on sugar has definitely decreased the cravings for me though.

    There are so many bite sized chocolates out there! I like the Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Caramel wedges. There are the Ghiradelli Squares too. Lately I've been eating 2-3 almond M&M's at a time as well.

  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    I'll have to look for those when I am at Trader Joes later today!
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I'll have to look for those when I am at Trader Joes later today!

    They're at the checkout counter!
  • kellysmith410
    kellysmith410 Posts: 58 Member
    I eat natural peanut butter when I have sugar cravings!
    Another thing I like to do is get chocolate chip cookie dough quest bars, microwave for 15 seconds - best warm sweet treat there is, and low in sugar, high in protein and fiber!
    Good luck! - the less sugar you eat the easier it gets to say no :)
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    kpeed521 wrote: »
    I love sweets as well and am a big fan of icecream and milkshakes. I have been "indulging" in milkshakes a few times a week by using a cup of unsweetened almond milk, half a pint of chocolate Arctic Zero ice cream and 2 tablespoons of PB2. This all logs in around 150 calories and gives me a nice thick chocolate peanut butter shake that fills me up! I also will add chia and flax seeds sometimes which bumps it to 200. Great dessert that fills me up AND satisfies the sweet tooth craving!

    Seriously? I think that milkshake recipe just changed my life. :)
  • Beckydster02
    Beckydster02 Posts: 9 Member
    I am a big sweet eater too. But once in a while I have a piece of chocolate to ease the craving. Although I agree to some of the comments sugar is addictive in all kinds of ways. It is hard. I recently cut a lot of sugar out of my diet. I go to dried fruit or fresh to take care of the sugar crave. Then I either take a walk or workout at home. That helps me a lot. Eating jello helps too. Hope those help:)
  • SpoonInTheRoad
    SpoonInTheRoad Posts: 35 Member
    Sugar is my go-to as well and I know it's an addiction for me. Lately, I've been asking myself what might come to the forefront if I bypassed it? I've kicked it before - takes me five days to not crave it or jones for it - and then I've allowed myself small portions here and there. But, lately I wanted to find out what my life and health (physical and emotional) would be without my go-to. I'm now at the 8 day point of being sugar free meaning no table sugar, honey, jam, desserts, etc. And fruit tastes amazing now. I honestly have ZERO idea how long this will go but I can't dabble in the stuff easily. "Some" for me equals MORE. I know there are no easy answers but it's an idea that, so far for me, is really worth trying. I know I'll have sugar again. That's a no-brainer for me. But I want to see where this current journey takes me. I sincerely hope your big stressors ease soon. All the best. :smile: