losing weight...losing sleep?!?

So, I am losing 2lbs a week for the last 3 weeks since I got seriously into things. Lost 4lbs generally over the last 8 months before...not being serious. But am having problems with sleep.. I go off great but wake up about 2.30 am needing to pee ( I used to sleep right through) and then wake up around 5am and can not get back to sleep. Am not drinking more than usual and life is the same so is not stress????


  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    I kind of have the same problem. I used to be able to sleep right through until I needed to get up, but find myself getting up earlier than usual (sometimes 3am). Never had that before. Thing is I don't drink enough water...not as much as I should anyway so I don't think its that, for me anyways. Would also like to know what can potentially cause it.
  • Mills187
    Mills187 Posts: 171
    I take Melitonin its a super cheap natural sleep helper its the endorphin released when you sleep so its all natural I have seen no side effects accept great sleep and waking up rested! Might work for you I got a bottle of 90 for like 5 bucks
  • tgumeebee
    tgumeebee Posts: 43 Member
    I have the same issue. I am asleep before my head hits the pillow but I wake up every night about 4-5 hours later feeling like I have slept all night. If I get up I am tired all day, if I try to go back to sleep I just cat nap here and there until the alarm goes off. But I must say cat napping makes me feel better than getting up at 2-3am.
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58
    If I go to bed at a decent hour (like 11pm), then my natural time clock is set to wake up at 5:30am. I'm not a morning person, so this was very odd for me. If I go to bed late (by 2am), then I tend to sleep til 9am. I typically drink a 2 cups of water prior to bed, so I think its natural for me to get up for the bathroom at that hour too. I don't think its a bad thing. Typically when you're in better shape, your body rests easier. I think its the time I SHOULD be getting up anyways, instead of hitting snooze throughout the morning.

    If you get up, eat a light breakfast, workout, eat a full breakfast and start you day. You may have better energy during the day (assuming you have a healthy diet). Then you'll be going to bed earlier, so you better get the DVR prepared if you like TV :smile: