Turbo Fire!!!

Im doing turbo fire right now for about 2mths so far the results are AWESOME!! mucles and cuts i never ever seen before *allsmiles* lol but Wondering is there anyone out there doing the TurboFire workout???


  • sjgreathouse
    I don't think you are the only one, I have been considering ordering it. It's between that and the other work out she has called turbo jam!! and people do like them!! and I know alot of people who do P90X and Zumba also!!
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I'm not doing the program but I throw in the workouts every now and then. I LOVE IT!!!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I have done turbo jam and Chalean Extreme. I just completed day one of Turbo Fire, and I love it so far! =)
  • LEdana
    LEdana Posts: 10
    yeah i done zumba for awhile its okay then i needed another high lol
  • LEdana
    LEdana Posts: 10
    I hope you like it as much as i do it AWESOME!!!
  • LEdana
    LEdana Posts: 10
  • sjgreathouse
    Yes I need one of them, walking isn't going to cut it for me, especially since it's supposed to be a 100 here this week!! I just wouldn't do it!! but if I have something like that to do in my home I would be all over it!! :) Is it easy to catch on too??
  • improna
    improna Posts: 14
    Im doing turbofire!!!! I started week 3 today!
    How many lbs and inches have you lost?
  • SydandPaigesMom
    SydandPaigesMom Posts: 86 Member
    I hadn't worked out in a long time so I started with the Turbo Fire prep schedule first. I started week 5 today and am loving the results. After these 9 weeks, I will begin the normal 20 week program.

    It's nice to have other people to talk to that are going through the same things.